It's important to separate your work life from your personal life. Literally. So find a workspace that's free of distractions and noise to encourage concentration. The space should also have a good Wi-Fi signal and the rest of the household should see (and treat) it as your workplace. Also, keep in mind the following:
Good lighting. Use curtains, blinds and other lighting arrangements chairman email list to prevent light from reflecting off the screen. Make sure the windows are on the sides rather than in front or behind you.
The table should not reflect light either. It may also be interesting to have an adjustable height, so that you can work standing up for a while (so you can change your posture).
An ergonomic chair that allows you to keep your forearms and legs at 90º. Rest your back on the chair and sit on your sitting bones. We all know that sitting well is key.
The top edge of the screen should be at eye level . It should be about 40 cm from your eyes . Communication Have you ever misinterpreted a WhatsApp message from a friend? Well, why should it be any different when working remotely? Communication between the team is even more important and the following tricks can help you and the team:
Be clear in your demands and explain them well.
Set some schedules.
Set goals and a timeline. Set daily goals and tasks, but also weekly ones. Measure performance.
Use the necessary tools to stay connected . They will help you to set those goals we mentioned, share projects, hold meetings...
Each company will find its own, but some of them could be Slack, Trello or Google Drive.
There are those who rely on the figure of the e-leader , who plans the work, communicates it and also assesses the results.
Stay up to date with cybersecurity .
Now that you're a home office guru, go one step further and save money on your bill , which is very interesting now that we consume more energy at home.
And don't forget that we're giving you a hand with the deferral of energy bills , which also includes split payment and aims to soften the economic impact of the pandemic situation. You can check the conditions in the following section of our website: We want to give you a hand .