Questionable Reputations to Preserve

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Questionable Reputations to Preserve

Post by sadiksojib127 »

Since one of the most important ranking factors in search engines is the performance and speed of your website, you should make sure that image file sizes are as small as possible without sacrificing too much quality. First, make sure the image size is not significantly larger than the display size on your website. How? Adjust the width and height accordingly and set the pixels per inch to .

File format is important. Choose JPG or WebP. Give your argentina mobile phone numbers database files descriptive names and add alt attributes to them. Finally, you can use one of the many image compression tools available online. Image compression tools reduce file size by removing data that doesn’t affect image quality to the extent that the human eye can detect it. For this, we recommend Squoosh , which provides fast processing while maintaining high photo quality.


. Learn Your Camera Settings If you know the basics of how a camera works and how to use it, you have % of the secret to taking good photos. While every camera is a little different, there are general rules that apply regardless of the camera model. Here is a quick summary for you: Set the image quality setting to the highest possible value. Choose RAW if your camera supports it.

Otherwise, choose the largest JPG setting your camera supports. Keep in mind that with RAW files, you will need access to image editing tools that support RAW files. Set the ISO to the lowest possible value. ISO refers to the sensitivity of the camera sensor. Set the white balance to 'Auto' or the same kelvin as your lights. If you’re shooting in bright light, manual exposure settings give you the most control.
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