Ignoring your employees' opinions is the worst mistake you could make. There is no better feedback than that which you can get from your own employees. They know more about the company than anyone else, since their actions directly influence it. Therefore, not following up on their concerns can be a mistake that can turn out to be very expensive.
To take full advantage of the potential of online surveys, you should keep in mind that it is common to have a certain response rate, the most common being 70%, but it can vary slightly; however, if the response rate is, say, 90%, it is likely that you are giving too many incentives, which makes people answer without thinking about their answers or providing relevant information to your study, since their only motivation is the prize.
If, on the other hand, your response rate is well below 70%, then you should be concerned because, in addition to reflecting a poor overall commitment of your employees to the company, it is certain that you are not managing to collect enough information to achieve anything relevant.
As we have mentioned before, one of the most alarming and regrettable benin phone number data comes from senior management, since it is known that 27% of them generally do not review the results thoroughly and tend to make decisions ignoring the information collected in their work environment survey.
Intuition is a common trait of leaders and is very useful in times when you need to act quickly, with little information. But when it comes to your employees, ignoring the information that's right in front of you is the worst mistake you can make.
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Act on the results of your survey
One of the reasons why employee surveys are frowned upon is because it is perceived that no action is ever taken based on this exercise. What is the point of spending time, money and human resources on something that will not provide any value to the company?
If you are an employee, do not hesitate to ask what will happen after answering a work environment survey. You can ask for an explanation of what is planned to be done with the results obtained, and of course, follow up on the results and the actions that revolve around this survey. Do not be afraid to do so, since at the end of the day it is your time that is being used to carry out this task. On the other hand, if you are in charge of carrying out this work environment survey, try to provide as much information as possible to the employees, before, during and after the exercise.
It is important to make employees feel involved in these exercises and to know that this investment will return in the form of actions that will guarantee a better work environment. Remember that employees are decisive in the culture and organizational climate .
Reasons for conducting employee surveys
Senior management and employees are not on the same page!
Perhaps you may find this data curious, but it is more than a fact: the opinions between managers and workers are quite disparate. On the one hand, employees believe that surveys are an element of great value for the organizational climate, while workers have the opposite opinion, since, as reflected in the previous points, they see it as a waste of time and money.
Without a doubt, a large part of changing this perception lies with managers, since they are the ones who must point out the importance of carrying out both a performance evaluation and a work environment survey , and how everyone within the company will benefit from said study and the actions that are carried out.
Surveys to improve organizational climate must become a joint effort between managers and employees, always seeking to make better decisions that lead the entire company to a successful future.