Banzai is a public company as a publicly traded company on

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Banzai is a public company as a publicly traded company on

Post by nishat@264 »

Nasdaq and is currently valued at $100 million. And Ashley, right now, team, the company just went public. So she's a team of one, but she manages five functions in this newly public company. Sounds very, very busy, Ashley. So give us a sense, what is your day like as VP of marketing?

Ashley Levesque: yeah. So you hit the nail on the head. Five functions is a lot for one person, but they're all interplay and they all kind of leverage one on top of the other. So over the course of the day, I'm really dealing in a lot of communications, but that covers internal communications. It covers external communications. So I'm looking at investor relations, analyst relations, internal marketing, public relations, and of course that connects to brand and storytelling.

And I'm going through messaging, brainstorming sessions jordan whatsapp resource and finalizing positioning, and it's a lot of different pieces of a big puzzle that I kind of all, you know, all blows up to to marketing. But my day ranges from talking with vendors and team members around how do we best tell the story? What is the key story that we have to tell right now?

How can we make sure that our external brand and our internal brand are aligned? How do we get our internal investors, you know, our employees jazzed and just as excited about what we're doing and telling to the market? So yeah, it's a lot. It changes from day to day, but I wouldn't have it any other way to that.

Daniel Burstein: So I got a little whiff of that when I was researching your company and I saw your name on the press release, the contact, and I was like that this is a marketing leader who rolls up our sleeves and gets involved. But let me ask you this. This is a challenge I've faced recently. How do you brainstorm as a team of one?
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