WhatsApp is once again taking inspiration from other social networks in its latest feature and managing to remain one of the main mobile messaging applications. Mark Zuckerberg himself announced this great novelty from his Instagram account.
"We are implementing the ability to use any luxembourg phone number data emoji as a reaction in WhatsApp," he said in the Instagram post, in which he also included some of his favourites. Among them are the robot, the French fries and the surfing emoji, as can be seen in the image above.
Until now we could only react to WhatsApp messages with these emojis (???????). But with the new update we can react with any of the 3,000 emoji available in the application.
This has delighted users who needed to be able to express other emotions or information with an emoji other than the default ones that the app had. It is not yet available , but Zuckerberg said that the rollout has already begun and will reach users in the coming days or weeks.
How to react to WhatsApp messages with the emoji we want
The way to react to messages with any emoji is identical to the previous one. We simply have to hold down the message and the default emojis will appear. The change is to the right of the last one, where we can find a plus (+) . If we click on this button, we will see the entire collection in full and we will choose the one we like the most.
WhatsApp lets you react to messages with any emoji (and these are Zuckerberg's favorites)
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