5 questions you should ask yourself for market research

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5 questions you should ask yourself for market research

Post by pappu9268 »

The main reason why we do a survey project or ask any question for our market research is so that we can make decisions; For example, should I have my store open for 24 hours/7 days a week; will our customers pay more for this new product feature? So why do market research?

These are all good points to think about in detail. But when we take a closer look, we are making these decisions because our primary goal is to make them an obvious and ideal choice for the customer.

Questions to achieve market research objectives
Who is our ideal client?
This is typically a market research demographic profile question, where we can get data such as gender, education level, income level, or place of residence. You can expand on these types of questions to find out the customer's occupation, or whether your target audience is parents or pet owners.

Don't skimp on demographic and psychographic data. If anything, be creative brazil phone number with it. It's critical to know as much as possible about your ideal customer so you can begin to focus, for example, your marketing decisions around customer preferences. I recommend reading: Pay attention to demographic profile questions .

What problems do they face?
Another piece of information that market researchers are looking to gain from customers is to find out what their concerns are. For example: What are the frustrations they face when trying to interact with our product or service? If you have the answers, and they are consistent across consumers, you will know which problem to prioritize and solve. It can be something so simple that you may not even realize it. Ask and see.

What does your customer really want?
It doesn't matter if you have a ton of questions for your market research, some of them will surely be very creative. What we really want to know is what customers want, and how what they buy provides them with a solution.

One way to find out what your customers want is to give respondents some examples of product offerings and do some matching to see how they rate each. Do you really know your customers' needs? Do your research and break paradigms .

What sets you apart from the competition?
Competitor analysis is essential if you want to increase product profitability and build your brand. One way to measure or identify differentiators or competitive advantages is to conduct a customer satisfaction survey .

The key to asking these types of market research questions is to get the attributes you need. For example: “How important is it that your tires have a safety feature?” Instead of asking “How important is it that your car has tires?”

What benefits do customers perceive?
Because we all choose and purchase based on emotion, it is important to understand specifically what emotional benefits customers receive from our products and services. The more we connect with our customers on an emotional level and provide them with that benefit, the more likely they are to choose us. You can use a matrix question that ranks the degree of importance according to the benefit they perceive, and find out whether they are satisfied or not.
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