More and more companies are opting to acquire a chatbot to improve their customer relations, but is it enough? We often hear that chatbots are the future of customer relations, but can customer relations do without humans? Will chatbots, through their artificial intelligence, replace people working in customer relations? These are some examples of questions that we often hear around this subject.
With over 35 years of experience in customer relations, we know that new technology is often a sign of change. But will these changes be beneficial for customers using outsourced call centers? We now know, thanks to numerous studies, that consumers are looking for personalization and speed of exchanges with brands. From this desire, particularly driven by digital natives (Generation Y), customer/company relations must follow this trend or risk seeing their customers leave for the competition. But do chatbots meet these demands?
Often criticized, chatbots are also prey to a very human vision of customer relations. This very human vision aims to be based solely on human exchanges to offer local customer service. They are also criticized on the question of investment and profitability of such a product. Because yes, a chatbot has a production cost, but also a fixed cost for its maintenance. country email list