We don't know if Google uses it

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We don't know if Google uses it

Post by rabhasan018542 »

So those are the schools of thought, and I'm not here to judge any of them. But what I think is important is how we communicate recommendations to stakeholders. Use SMART goals to communicate SEO recommendations to stakeholders When we give SEO recommendations in our audits or whatnot, the standard I like to use is I like to think of it in terms of goals. A framework for goals that I like to use is the SMART system of goal making, meaning goals should be specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, and time-based.

Now in the traditional view of ranking signals, yes, specific and measurable are great because we're using direct impacts. But with E-A-T, the signals get a little squishier, and it's hard to translate those into specific, measurable signals, and lithuania business email list I think that's why people in this camp don't like considering E-A-T a ranking factor. To illustrate this, Bill Slawski, the Google patent expert, recently shared a patent that he thought might be related to E-A-T or is possibly.

or not. But the patent, it took website representation vectors to classify sites. Now that's a mouthful. But basically what that means is the patent's goal was to determine actual expertise of websites based on vectors. For example, it could determine, through machine learning and neural networks, if a website is written by actual experts, say medical doctors, or if it was written by medical students or laypeople or somebody else.
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