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What should digital marketers focus on in the second half of 2017?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 8:56 am
by chameli
Based on the Marketing Charts report that phone number library I share with you below, I review the 5 aspects that as a Digital Marketer you should focus on in this 2nd semester to achieve your goals.

Redefine your media plan.
Consider that audiences change. Who said that the same number of audiences are viewing the advertising as a year ago? Ask your agency for new formats and scope definitions.
Less TV, more Digital Video.
Commercials, yes, but not for prime time. It's time to think that your commercials no longer last 30 seconds, they can last 1:30 if you want, but the stage is the digital platforms.
More Promoted Posts?
Maybe, but why not try lead capture formats and elements that allow you to have customer contact information. Goodbye to impressions, hello to reaches that provide information.
Goodbye Email Marketing, Welcome Mobile Marketing
Unless you have a very segmented base, say goodbye to the SPAM ENGAGEMENT effect you are generating. If you want to sell, mailing will not bring you higher conversion rates. Innovate, think of other actions, have you tried migrating your base to a Facebook group, have you tried Marketing actions on mobile devices?
Social Media without selling Smoke
No more likes and RT's please.. Stop thinking about Engagement as an Awareness KPI. What is the CTR of your social networks to your website or online store? Start by trying to increase Social Traffic. Content yes but with effects that generate actions on your website, if not rethink your Community Management strategy.
Let us reflect on these indicators and outline our strategies.