At the same time, modern man is inclined to clip thinking and it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances in order to speed up and facilitate the perception of the text. Here they are.
• Use of terminology - express your thoughts simply, do not confuse the user with abstruse terms without an objective reason.
• Structure the text - use lists, subheadings, boxes, infographics. All of the above makes it easier to perceive.
• Links in blue text - people are used to this, again it is always worth relying on existing user experience.
• Informativeness of the first lines - express your thoughts on landing pages from the general to the specific.
• Short sentences - their essence is perceived easier and faster.
• Less fluff, more substance — apply the principles of infostyle, use the online editor "Glavred". However, do not go to extremes. Fanatical "drying" of texts completely deprives them of life.
• Consistency with design/illustrations - good commercial text guides the design, expresses the very essence of your USP. It is unacceptable for the text design to contradict its message. For example, if you write a promise to provide painless removal of papillomas in blood-red color, then due to unnecessary subconscious associations you will undermine the trust of the target audience in your offer.
• Table of contents in longreads - if your web resource us whatsapp number list contains very long articles, create a table of contents for them, navigation with anchors. This makes it easier to study content intended for thoughtful study.
The main thing to remember is that not all people like to read. Therefore, every sentence on your site should contain useful information and remain understandable even for a person who has encountered your field of activity for the first time.
3. Where to start
We recommend that you use this article as a checklist for your initial usability assessment of your site. Also try to mentally put yourself in the user's shoes more often, to look at the site through the eyes of a person who sees it for the first time.
If you want to thoroughly study the theory of usability, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the works of the world's leading expert - Jakob Nielsen. Without knowledge of his 10 heuristics of user interface design, we do not even consider candidates for the position of UX/UI designer in our agency.
In turn, for a pragmatic analysis of the usability of an existing site, you have access to a whole palette of Yandex Metrica tools - webvisor, form analytics, scrolling and click maps.
However, in order to correctly interpret the data obtained, it is important to have a trained eye. It is the wealth of experience and the ability to correctly interpret user behavior that distinguishes a usability specialist from an amateur.
It is not enough to understand what exactly caused the user difficulty - it is necessary to competently eliminate the identified problems. And this requires the coordinated work of a team of niche specialists - designers, programmers, copywriters, Internet marketers. For example, us.