So, today we are going to analyze the main advantages that A/B testing can bring to our Email Marketing strategies, and how it helps digital marketing professionals and Email owner/partner/shareholder email lists Marketing experts to better understand their target audience.
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We analyze some of the main advantages of A/B testing in Email Marketing
Higher conversion rate
Greater conceptualization around the recipient
Improved metrics
What elements do we have to carry out A/B tests in Email Marketing?
The subject of the email
Email content format
The preview of the text
The CTA or call to action
The time to send the email
We analyze some of the main advantages of A/B testing in Email Marketing
Higher conversion rate
Once we are clear about what our subscriber wants to receive, and with what words we should convey it , a higher conversion rate will automatically be generated through our emails.
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Greater conceptualization around the recipient
Based on the results you get from your A/B email testing, you can choose the best version to send as your final send, because we will know a little bit more about what our customer is like and what they like and dislike , and it will most likely ultimately drive better subscriber engagement on the action.
Improved metrics
Obviously, knowing what to do and what not to do will help you avoid making mistakes that reduce your opening and conversion rates. Therefore, it is 100% recommended to discover where the flaws are in your strategy (eliminating them) and optimizing it to obtain better results and metrics.
But you might be wondering…
What elements do we have to carry out A/B tests in Email Marketing?
The subject of the email
The subject line, as we have already mentioned on several occasions , is crucial when it comes to the user deciding whether to open -or not- your email. The more attractive it is, the higher the opening rates you will generate.
This way, you can play around in different ways: try personalizing names, using emojis, interspersing short subject lines with longer ones, using more striking words with calmer ones, etc., etc.
The results in terms of opening rates that you obtain with one test (A) and another (B) will help you to rule out what is not working correctly.
Email content format
Once you have passed the first test, which is identified with getting the user -incentivized by the subject line (an attractive line)- to read your content, you can carry out other types of tests that influence, no longer the opening rate, but the conversion rate of your emails.

For example, try using a question and answer (Q&A) format in your content or using bullet points with content, rather than a plain text format.
The preview of the text
When you are defining the previous point, in which you clarify the content of the message, you should consider, evaluate and give the importance it deserves to the preview text that the user will see before clicking on the message.
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When it comes to defining how this line should be composed, we can find several lines of thought from digital marketing experts: on the one hand, we find those who opt for a prudent use of this line , with something that does not reveal anything about the content, but rather something such as “ view this email in the web browser ”, for example. On the other hand, we find those who prefer to risk everything at once , and choose to collect interesting information that further encourages the recipient to open the content.
The CTA or call to action
As we know, the Call To Action button is the last step to achieve the desired conversion.
At this point, you can choose from multiple and very varied options, such as:
Try making the button text uppercase and lowercase.
Try marking the button with different colors , one warmer and one more striking, for example.
Try a simple and direct phrase (like “request your sample now ”) and another with something more elaborate (like “ what are you waiting for to dazzle this summer? Don't miss out on your sample ”), for example.
And use your imagination to carry out various tests, and see which one is most successful!
The time to send the email
The time of sending, as we mentioned in one of our previous articles , can be decisive in determining whether or not a user opens your content. But… let me tell you that there is no trickery in this point: the only thing you need is to know your user.
It will not be the same if your subscriber is B2B (and, therefore, is interested in opening your content, for example, at 10 in the morning, since what you are going to tell them can help their business, and it is better if it is in the middle of the work day), than if it is a B2C subscriber (who will only be able to open your content on the way to work, while waiting for the bus, and, therefore, must receive your content between 8 and 9 in the morning, while they kill time and can check the promotions and offers of their favorite brands, for example).