Heirs of the same level receive
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:59 am
Fact of the day
In 2007, the state of Palau issued a silver coin with a face value of 5 US dollars, depicting the Virgin Mary and a small bottle of holy water.
Another fact
Important! Police officers work not only with teenagers, but also with their parents. They visit the family, conduct conversations, especially if the adults themselves are not involved in raising the child.
There is no minimum age for registration. The maximum age is until the child reaches adulthood. When the child turns 18, he or she is removed from the register. Therefore, there is no clear answer to the jordan business email list question of how long the child is registered.
A child will definitely be registered if he has broken the law several times, for example, if he was caught with alcohol. Or if he has committed a serious offense once. If the offense is the first and minor, the teenager will most likely not be added to the PDN list.
Enlarge imagePolice registration
Children are usually registered with the police for repeated and/or serious violations of the law
How does it happen?

Step by step the procedure looks like this.
A complaint about a violation is filed with the police.
The police officer draws up a report, interrogates the child and collects feedback from teachers and neighbors.
He then decides whether to initiate administrative or criminal proceedings.
This decision is passed on to the Commission on Juvenile Affairs and the ZP, where they determine whether the child needs to be registered. This is done within 10 days. In doing so, the commission members will definitely listen to the opinion of the teenager and his parents, and also collect reviews, certificates, gratitude and medals.
It is important for parents to convince the commission that they will do everything possible to ensure that this does not happen again.
More on this topic
What is the difference between adoption and guardianship?
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In 2007, the state of Palau issued a silver coin with a face value of 5 US dollars, depicting the Virgin Mary and a small bottle of holy water.
Another fact
Important! Police officers work not only with teenagers, but also with their parents. They visit the family, conduct conversations, especially if the adults themselves are not involved in raising the child.
There is no minimum age for registration. The maximum age is until the child reaches adulthood. When the child turns 18, he or she is removed from the register. Therefore, there is no clear answer to the jordan business email list question of how long the child is registered.
A child will definitely be registered if he has broken the law several times, for example, if he was caught with alcohol. Or if he has committed a serious offense once. If the offense is the first and minor, the teenager will most likely not be added to the PDN list.
Enlarge imagePolice registration
Children are usually registered with the police for repeated and/or serious violations of the law
How does it happen?
Step by step the procedure looks like this.
A complaint about a violation is filed with the police.
The police officer draws up a report, interrogates the child and collects feedback from teachers and neighbors.
He then decides whether to initiate administrative or criminal proceedings.
This decision is passed on to the Commission on Juvenile Affairs and the ZP, where they determine whether the child needs to be registered. This is done within 10 days. In doing so, the commission members will definitely listen to the opinion of the teenager and his parents, and also collect reviews, certificates, gratitude and medals.
It is important for parents to convince the commission that they will do everything possible to ensure that this does not happen again.
What is the difference between adoption and guardianship?
Read the article