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Cost and terms of service provision

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 6:54 am
by samiul123
Specify the time intervals for the provision of the service, and also explain the factors on which they depend. For example, the development of a landing page in our agency costs from 80 to 160 thousand rubles and can take from 10 to 15 days. The cost and duration of web development depend on many variables, for example:

the Customer’s approach - he trusts professional marketers, designers, copywriters, or tries to assert himself by imposing his ideas about a “good website” on them;
efficiency of feedback - approvals happen quickly or you have to wait weeks for feedback;
sequences - we adhere to the initially formulated tasks or the Customer suddenly decided to change something radically;
marketing components - the Customer has a clear idea of ​​the target audience and their own USP or all of this needs to be thought out and evaluated.
9. What is the result?
Show the end result of the service provided. Here, the classic uk people whatsapp number advertising technique "Before" and "After" is used with enviable consistency.

Here is an example of using this technique.

This is the old website of the Customer, which he brought to us:

And this is his new website , developed by our agency:


10. What guarantees are provided?
Let them know that you are confident in the quality of the services provided and are ready to correct your mistakes, which sometimes happen to any professional. At the same time, take into account two nuances:

1) Calculate your strengths. Evaluate whether your guarantee is too generous and long-term. In an attempt to get ahead of competitors, there is a risk of promising clients too much. Having made such a mistake, you will find yourself between two fires: having done too much free work, you will go into the red, and having refused to fulfill your promises, you will lose trust and respect.

2) Clearly define the concept of errors in the provision of services, the number of edits (reworks) made. For example, it is one thing if a website developed in a web studio does not work in some popular browser (i.e., the web development service was provided poorly, improvements are needed) and another if the client does not like something in his own wishes voiced when drawing up the contract (the order is changed, additional work is required for an additional fee).

11. Famous clients
Tell us about your clients, provide their feedback on the service provided.

12. Call to action
Encourage the customer to make a purchase or conversion action directly on the relevant page. If the service is simple and inexpensive, try to close the buyer on an online order. If the service is complex, multi-stage and expensive, offer a consultation.

It is believed that selling services is more difficult than selling a tangible product. Of course, this is a rather general statement, not true in all cases. Just like the statement that "It is always freezing in Russia in winter" and "A table should have four legs." However, one thing is certain: selling services has its own specifics. Therefore, it is better to choose an advertising agency that has this specificity. For example, us . We will make sure that the "Services" page on your website is convertible!