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X-ray of SMEs 2018. Digitalisation in the company, opportunity or challenge?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 4:59 am
by sakib36
We analyse the conclusions of the 2018 SME X-ray and, in particular, the challenges associated with their digitalisation.

Customers must be at the centre of SMEs' interests and must be the main reason for their digitalisation
Not having great material resources or technological hong kong phone number data knowledge is no longer an excuse for not updating ourselves
Digitalisation is, together with aspects as closely related to it as internationalisation , specialisation and growth , one of the great challenges for Spanish SMEs . It is a great opportunity, but it also demands decisive action.

However, although it may seem paradoxical, only 14% of micro-SMEs and self-employed workers have established specific programs for their digitalization. In the total of SMEs, this percentage rises to 19%. This is one of the conclusions of the 2018 SME X-ray, which Sage brings us in infographic format.

Digital culture in Spanish SMEs
We know that SMEs with a future are digital, but what kind of digitalisation will they have to face? In reality, many are thinking of valuable initiatives , but they are insufficient. They believe that everything can be solved only with very specific actions.


However, the reality is a little more complicated. It is of little use to be up to date if, when the time comes, we are not going to be able to adapt to other changes that are coming in the not too distant future.

SMEs with the greatest digital maturity are in a permanent state of updating . In short, it is about strengthening a digital culture , which implies being prepared to walk flexibly on an enormously open path such as that of the technological and organizational future of companies.