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These are all forms of

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 3:54 am
by bappy8
[Free templates and tools included]
You are human. You create value.

For years, the following has also been true for most of us. You are human. You create content.

You take a photo or video, post it on social media . You write a social media post or leave a comment.

Content creation.

It is within all of us to create value and, since the Internet age, content.

So why does it feel like a struggle to create more valuable content for your business, your social media followers, the company you work for, your blog, etc.?

In this ultimate guide to content creation, we'll take a holistic view of content creation. We've built a Growth Storytelling Framework that covers our years of experience. You can access it here for free . No registration required.

Next, we'll cover the templates and tools provided to help structure everything from your strategy to content creation and content distribution, and at the end, we'll take a look at our AI-powered content creation platform .

Growth Storytelling Conceptual Framework
Get the Growth Storytelling Conceptual Framework
Content Marketing Strategy - Content Creation
Content creation and content marketing strategy
Setting up your content marketing strategy can sound daunting. Will I be able to do it? Do I need to hire someone? What should I cover?

Let's get back to basics.

The reason you should set up your Content Marketing Strategy is because you and/or your business are unique. Start identifying:

What makes it unique?
Who would be interested in the content you create?
Where do these people meet?
Check out our simple 8-Step Content Marketing Strategy Guide here .

Your strategy is at the foundation of your content creation. The stronger it is, the easier the next steps will be.

Remember, you don’t just set your strategy once and stick with it. As you create more content, you’ll get more feedback from real people, and that can help you fine-tune the path ahead.

Create your brand story
Start creating your brand story
Your brand story, along with the visual and other aspects of your brand identity, israel business email list should be at the heart of how you approach your content and other marketing strategies and tactics.

We have created a guide and canvas to help you create your own brand story and help make the job even more fun, easy and effective.


Get the brand story guide and template here.

In short and at the simplest and most essential level, your brand story consists of three elements relating to your past (I), present (II) and future (III) . The goal of this exercise is to help you understand yourself, focus and better tell your stories throughout your journey.

Content Marketing Goals and KPIs
Content Marketing Goals and KPIs
Once you've set up your content marketing strategy and know what direction you're headed, you need to set goals and KPIs so you can look back and see what's working and what's not.

In our Content Marketing Goals and KPIs Guide , we’ll walk you through how to identify your most important channels, look at the data you already have, and work backward to set goals and KPIs for the future.

Simply creating content is not enough. It has to help you achieve your goals. Therefore, you need to identify your goals first.

When you start documenting, you'll be surprised at how much you know now and how much you can improve.

Maybe you thought your Twitter marketing was great, but you realize that you've been creating Twitter content consistently for the past 6 months, but barely gained any followers, clicks, or even impressions.

Who knows what mysteries lie uncovered art researching and find out!

Brand style guidelines and content creation
Set your brand style guidelines for content creation
Don’t you love it when you instantly recognize a brand when scrolling through social media, the web, or TV?

That's what brand consistency can do and that's a consequence of having great brand style guidelines and following them.

We’ve added a short Brand Style Guidelines tab in the Growth Storytelling Framework because we find it important to have guidelines handy when creating new content. When you need to click around multiple times to find the guidelines, you might be more reluctant to go looking for them and agree on a red color that is close enough to your own brand red.

This is one of the easiest exercises to do and helps you create beautiful branded content.