Quote from the greatest salesman in the world summary
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 9:06 am
Do you really want to make a difference in your life with this article?
I recommend reading a paragraph of this summary every day and turning the ideas from the various chapters into habits. Seeing these examples every day, you won't be able to help but think about them and adopt them into your life.
“ My actions are governed by appetite, passion, prejudice communication directors email lists greed, love, fear, environment, and habit; and the worst tyrant of these is habit. ” Tweet Quote
Chapter 3. A successful salesperson communicates with love every day; and from love comes trust.
Being liked and friendly is key in sales. Before someone decides to buy something from you, they need to be able to trust you.
But how do you gain someone’s trust? Easy… by showing them love and kindness at every possible opportunity.
Every morning tell yourself “I will love everyone and everything.” When you talk to another person, make sure that the words you use are good, words injected with love have great power.
For example, speaking in a nice tone and with kind words to someone you may not like can help turn them from adversaries into friends. If you constantly talk to and treat your friends with love, they will become closer to you, almost like family.
Acting with kindness and love is vitally important. One way to put this into practice is to do this: the next time you meet someone, in your mind say the words “I love you” as if you wanted to say them to that person.
Thinking about these words silently affects your body language and facial expressions. You will be more open, smile more, your eyes will be more focused, and you will be more friendly overall. Interacting in this way will cause many of the people you meet or hang out with to open their hearts to you.
Well well... lots of love and everything rosy, you're probably wondering, what good will all this do me in the jungle of sales or business?
Not only will you have a greater chance of winning customers when you interact with good thoughts and behavior, but you will also undermine your competition without much effort.
Let's say you're working with a colleague who is your rival in a sales competition and he behaves badly towards you or spreads lies about you. You have a choice: you can take revenge or you can treat him with love.
I recommend reading a paragraph of this summary every day and turning the ideas from the various chapters into habits. Seeing these examples every day, you won't be able to help but think about them and adopt them into your life.
“ My actions are governed by appetite, passion, prejudice communication directors email lists greed, love, fear, environment, and habit; and the worst tyrant of these is habit. ” Tweet Quote
Chapter 3. A successful salesperson communicates with love every day; and from love comes trust.
Being liked and friendly is key in sales. Before someone decides to buy something from you, they need to be able to trust you.
But how do you gain someone’s trust? Easy… by showing them love and kindness at every possible opportunity.
Every morning tell yourself “I will love everyone and everything.” When you talk to another person, make sure that the words you use are good, words injected with love have great power.
For example, speaking in a nice tone and with kind words to someone you may not like can help turn them from adversaries into friends. If you constantly talk to and treat your friends with love, they will become closer to you, almost like family.
Acting with kindness and love is vitally important. One way to put this into practice is to do this: the next time you meet someone, in your mind say the words “I love you” as if you wanted to say them to that person.
Thinking about these words silently affects your body language and facial expressions. You will be more open, smile more, your eyes will be more focused, and you will be more friendly overall. Interacting in this way will cause many of the people you meet or hang out with to open their hearts to you.
Well well... lots of love and everything rosy, you're probably wondering, what good will all this do me in the jungle of sales or business?
Not only will you have a greater chance of winning customers when you interact with good thoughts and behavior, but you will also undermine your competition without much effort.
Let's say you're working with a colleague who is your rival in a sales competition and he behaves badly towards you or spreads lies about you. You have a choice: you can take revenge or you can treat him with love.