How to Steam Chicken
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 5:53 am
Use a heated seed mat ir?t = monabuttgard 20l = ur2o = 1 tweedia caeruleafor faster germination
Propagate from softwood stem cuttings using rooting hormoneir?t = monabuttgard 20l = ur2o = 1 tweedia caerulea
Starting seeds in water
Tweedia is a variety of milkweed with bright blue flowers. Warm-weather milkweed can be propagated in several ways, including placing the seeds directly in water.
Tweedia Caerulea Growing Tips:
Overwinter in pots for annual zones. Cut back to about 12″ before bringing inside
If you don't want any more seedlings next spring, simply cut off the seed pods before they open or close them with twist ties, rubber bands, or tie organza bags ir?t = monabuttgard 20l=ur2o = 1 tweedia caeruleaover laos email list the pods if you want to collect milkweed seeds. Sowing is not a problem in annual zones.
Tweedia caerulea seeds are ready to harvest when the seam of the pod splits open, revealing the dark brown milkweed seeds.
Treasure of Tweedia
Pollinator Plus:
Bumblebees are regular visitors to Tweedia caerulea. The blue flowers of milkweed have proven to be one of their favorite surprise nectar sources.
Buzzing over the blue milkweed
I haven't seen any monarch activity in our north garden, but a rogue moth caterpillar frosted an entire stem of tweedia caerulea last season. Other pollinators that frequently drink nectar from the flowers: bumblebees, cabbage white butterflies, sweatshirt bees, red admiral butterflies.
Propagate from softwood stem cuttings using rooting hormoneir?t = monabuttgard 20l = ur2o = 1 tweedia caerulea
Starting seeds in water
Tweedia is a variety of milkweed with bright blue flowers. Warm-weather milkweed can be propagated in several ways, including placing the seeds directly in water.
Tweedia Caerulea Growing Tips:
Overwinter in pots for annual zones. Cut back to about 12″ before bringing inside
If you don't want any more seedlings next spring, simply cut off the seed pods before they open or close them with twist ties, rubber bands, or tie organza bags ir?t = monabuttgard 20l=ur2o = 1 tweedia caeruleaover laos email list the pods if you want to collect milkweed seeds. Sowing is not a problem in annual zones.
Tweedia caerulea seeds are ready to harvest when the seam of the pod splits open, revealing the dark brown milkweed seeds.
Treasure of Tweedia
Pollinator Plus:
Bumblebees are regular visitors to Tweedia caerulea. The blue flowers of milkweed have proven to be one of their favorite surprise nectar sources.
Buzzing over the blue milkweed
I haven't seen any monarch activity in our north garden, but a rogue moth caterpillar frosted an entire stem of tweedia caerulea last season. Other pollinators that frequently drink nectar from the flowers: bumblebees, cabbage white butterflies, sweatshirt bees, red admiral butterflies.