There are already quite a few brands that have fully dived into phygitals. Nike launched the virtual “OurForce 1” collection on its blockchain platform SWOOSH . The reason for setting up this platform according to the brand:
Those champions athletes and serves the future of sport by creating a new, inclusive digital community and experience and a home for Nike virtual creations.
This collection is part of a competition, where Nike fans were invited to design a futuristic virtual shoe. Only participants in this competition were allowed to buy a special physical algeria phone number library sneaker, which the brand launched separately for this purpose at the end of last year. A beautiful example of the convergence of co-creation, gamification and phygitals.
Nike never viewed technology as simply another channel for transactions, but rather a means of creating an ongoing connection with their customers, while also connecting their customers to the community. – Doug Stephens, retail futurist
This is not a jpeg
The brand is constantly launching phygital projects, most recently the 'Air Force 1 Low TINAJ' , where TINAJ stands for “This is not a jpeg”. A nod to how many people still look at NFTs.
The plans for the SWOOSH platform are big. You will not only get unique access to special events with athletes, but you can also wear the virtual clothing in games, for example. You can also download the 3D drawings, so that you can personalize them further. More than a billion dollars' worth of virtual clothing from the clothing brand has already been traded.