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constantly strive to improve living conditions

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 6:04 am
by Apuroos2171
If your upstairs neighbors are constantly having noisy meetings and you have not been able to solve the problem yourself, you will have to negotiate silence with the help of the police duty unit. If you call 102 and tell them about your problem, they will send a district police officer during the day or a duty officer at night. Your application will be assigned a number.

It will be even more effective if you manage to collect signatures from neighbors who witnessed noisy parties. Then you can seek justice with a collective statement. The standard period for consideration of austria business email list statements by a district police officer is 10 working days, and it can be extended to 30 working days.

During this time, the police officer will have to talk to the violators and draw up a report.


Neighbors are different, but it is important to . Sovcombank can help with this.

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What will happen to violators after contacting the prosecutor's office?
If all these methods have proven ineffective in practice, the problem must be solved radically.

The next step will be to contact the prosecutor's office. A complaint about the work of the district police officer can also be attached to the new application.

If the neighbors' apartment is in social rent and is not privatized, then in case of regular violations the owner (i.e. the municipality) has the right to evict noisy neighbors.