When we talk about the term upselling , we refer to a sales technique that aims to induce the customer to buy those products that are more expensive or that we have a certain ceo email lists interest in selling. For example, if a customer wants a simple coffee, we will try to get them to end up buying a caramel frappuccino, which doubles the price of the first one. Therefore, we try to offer that product because of its higher cost or because we are interested in selling it for a specific reason.
In cross selling , on the other hand , we try to get the customer to buy another product apart from the one they already plan to buy, or we try to take advantage of a past sale to offer them a complementary product. Let's go back to the coffee example. If we have a customer who wants to buy a coffee, we will kindly offer them a croissant to go with it. In this way, although the customer has the last word, we have the opportunity to sell them two products instead of one.
At this point, both upselling and crossselling are two good sales techniques to implement in the emails we send to subscribers who are in the growth phase of the User Life Cycle . Remember that in this phase we place those subscribers who have a good relationship with the brand and who have already made a purchase. The objective in this case will be to increase the interactions of these users : openings, clicks, visits to the website, participation in social networks or purchases, in order to obtain the greatest possible benefit and return.
Below you can see two good examples of how both techniques are applied in the case of email marketing. The company we will take as a reference is Amazon .

Upselling Example
Following a search I had been doing on cork boards, Amazon sent me a first email with most of the boards I had been looking at. As you can see, they all had different prices.
However, two days later I received another email, but in this case only the board that had a higher price in relation to the rest appeared, using the upselling technique .
Cross Selling Example
In this case, after purchasing a product, they sent an email recommending another very similar product that other customers usually buy together with the one we already had. This would be a clear example of how they try to sell us a very similar or complementary product through a past purchase.