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Objectives of the internationalization strategy

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 9:33 am
by aktAkterSabiha50
1. Global internationalization strategy
It covers the global market, focusing on economies with standardized production. We are talking about products that are not adapted to the needs of each market or country and that are mass produced.

The objective of this strategy is to reduce costs: taking advantage of the production of the same product to distribute it in a multitude of foreign markets.

2. Transnational internationalization strategy
With this strategy, companies seek to combine the flexibility to adapt to the needs of each market with economies of scale.

3. Multi-domestic internationalization strategy
Adaptation to each market is key in this type of strategy. A company's product and service offering is modified based on the needs of the market and consumers in each country.

These types of strategies have the advantage of deepening knowledge of each market, but require national branches to have a great deal of autonomy.

Other types of strategy: direct or indirect sales
We must also bear in mind that internationalisation does not always require a huge deployment in foreign countries.

Companies no longer need to be physically outside their home countries filipina telegram to cross borders commercially.


We see four options for carrying out the internationalization strategy along these paths:

Indirect sales: export through local customers. Through the creation of a commercial contract that specifies the conditions of the contract.
Exporting through intermediaries . Ecommerce platforms or dropshipping allow more companies to reach new markets through this strategy. By relying on agents external to the main brand, we can reach numerous countries without having a physical presence in them.
Sales through representatives. Professionals with extensive client portfolios and experience in the target market who are responsible for carrying out the necessary procedures to ensure that the products are distributed successfully.

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2. Objectives of the internationalization strategy
As expected, the main objective of a company that wants to internationalize its products or services is to sell more, to obtain more benefits .

It is clear that reaching this point can be affected by different factors:

You have nothing left to do in your market.
National competition is eating you up.