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10 facts about influencer marketing and brand ambassadors

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2024 6:21 am
by nurnobi24
Here are our numbers! Influencer marketing has seen tremendous growth, with 93% claiming to use it. Over the past 5 years, this technique has gone from obscurity to popularity. This industry is expected to reach $15 billion and there are no signs of slowing down. With the growth in popularity, demand, and budgets, big things are expected this year.

To help you understand the impact of this huge trend, here are our top 10 facts about the influencer marketing and brand ambassador industry:

10 statistics on influencer marketing and brand ambassadors
1. 89% of marketers say the return on influencer marketing is comparable or better than other channels
According to Mediakix , nearly half (48%) of marketers say the ROI they get from influencer marketing is better than other channels. 41% say the ROI is similar. As marketers get better at measuring and optimizing campaigns, these results are expected to increase in the coming years.

influencer marketing ROI - influencer marketing stats
2. 80% of marketers find influencer marketing an effective channel to achieve results
In the same study, Mediakix reports that the vast majority (80%) consider gambling data singapore phone number influencer marketing effective, and 35% very effective. Only 5% consider it inconsequential. Also, 71% say that the quality of the clients and traffic generated is better than that from other sources – only 5% disagree.

influencer marketing effectiveness
3. Companies make on average $5.20 for every $1 invested in influencer marketing
According to a 2019 survey by Influencer Marketing Hub, influencer and brand ambassador marketing can be very lucrative for brands. The top 13% of brands made $20 or more. The vast majority said the results far exceeded their investment.


4. 63% of marketers intend to increase their budget for this channel
This data also comes from the same Influencer Marketing Hub survey. Marketers identified brand ambassadors as a major growth opportunity. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of surveyed brands intend to increase their budgets for influencer marketing campaigns in the next 12 months.

5. 17% of companies will invest more than half of their budget in influencer marketing
Most companies only spend a modest percentage of their total budget (around 20%). However, 17% say they will spend more than half of their budget, and 25% say they will spend more than 40%.

6. 27% of internet users are expected to block ads on their devices in 2021
According to Statista in 2020, about 26.4% of internet users used adblockers on their devices – adblock. Investment in digital marketing is constantly growing , leading to an increasing number of ads. This has led to more and more users blocking more and more of these types of advertising. With this trend, the penetration of Adblocks is expected to continue to increase, meaning that more than a quarter of paid advertising never reaches its audience.

7. The average CTR (Click-Through Rate) of banners is 0.06%
Brands blindly invest in banner ads, hoping that people will land on their pages. With the concentration of budgets on digital channels, this trend will become more and more evident. The problem is that the click-through rates are horrible: 0.06%, according to Google . Yet, spending on these types of ads is expected to grow by 12% ( Statista ). Even worse, 60% of clicks on banner ads are considered accidental, and 90% are done by bots .

banner advertising spending worldwide
8. 61% of marketers find it difficult to find the right influencers
Even though there are many platforms , databases , and tools out there, most marketers still struggle to find influencers that match their target audience. 17% find it really difficult. The most common way brands find influencers for their campaigns is the “old-fashioned” way: searching directly on social media themselves. This is a problem VoxFeed aims to solve by allowing its users to access its databases for free. Brands can find brand ambassadors based on their interests, audience profile, cost, social network, and create campaigns that meet their goals: increase sales, reach, decrease costs, etc.

9. 75% of marketers say that an influencer's verified traffic is the most important criterion when choosing
A May 2015 study by Schlesinger Associates for Augure showed that verified (real) web traffic is an increasingly important criterion when choosing an influencer. Even more important than engagement. The growing number of bots and fake users is a concern for those launching campaigns. Via VoxFeed , a brand can run an analysis on an influencer's profile and check their percentage of bots and fake followers for free.