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A contact factory that recalls the concept of Industry 4.0

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 4:38 am
by aktAkterSabiha10
The brand journalist in B2B ( Business to Business ) , unlike B2C (Business to Consumer ) , is a professional who addresses company decision makers . Since, in fact, in the B2B market the commercial exchange occurs between companies and not between company and consumer, the brand journalist or corporate journalist specialized in B2B moves on the same relational axis . Il Sole 24 Ore , among others, has dealt with the rise of brand journalism tout court , citing some best practices together with the opinion of those who in Italy are studying the phenomenon. Little or nothing, however, can be found regarding B2B brand journalism, on which, therefore, it is australia telegram data appropriate to spend a few words . Identifying the elements that unite it or differentiate it from journalism in general , and from corporate journalism in particular , can act as a stimulus for those who want to try their hand at this profession . A profession that, like many others, requires technical and transversal skills. Below is a list of the most important ones .


The 3 hard skills of the B2B brand journalist
1. The first technical-professional skill or hard skill of a B2B brand journalist comes from belonging to the macro category. In practice, he must be a journalist , not a copywriter, someone who knows how to write well, a great communicator or even a storyteller. Simply, he must have experience in writing articles published in newspapers , preferably online ( for the reasons that will be explained later).

2. The second characteristic that should not be missing is familiarity with topics pertaining to the economic world . A B2B brand journalist speaks to business owners, marketing managers, IT managers and all those figures who hold a top role within organizations. If the topics usually frequented concern gossip or TV series, the transition to a completely different genre may not be easy.

3. The third hard skill is knowledge , even essential, of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques . Content now travels on the Internet and, to avoid getting lost in the sea of ​​the web , you need to know what the main rules of search engines are.