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How to build a brand on LinkedIn?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 10:47 am
by jobaidur2228
Learn best practices for promoting your personal and corporate brand on the largest social media platform for business.

Natalia Roś,
a journalist from Laba

Angelika Chimkowska, author of the book LinkedIn in Practice, is a social selling strategist and works with personal brands and companies on a daily basis. She specializes in creating communication and sales funnels using social selling. She is listed by Forbes magazine among the 25 champions of Polish LinkedIn in the 2021 ranking. She has written several expert books on the border of marketing, sales, and the psychology of change management.

The last one, LinkedIn in Practice is a bible for anyone serious about building recognition on this social channel. Although the publication takes the form of a 200-page book, it is better to treat it as a notebook with control questions, tasks and best practices to implement immediately.

Why is LinkedIn important in business communications?
I guess there's no need to convince anyone that and Instagram should be the primary channels of communication with recipients. And LinkedIn? It's still omitted from the strategy or treated as a medium where it's good to have a profile armenia mobile phone numbers database but there's little talk about the action plan. In the meantime, there's no better place to look for new clients, jobs, employees or business partners than LinkedIn.

As Angelika Chimkowska emphasizes, it is the largest online business street. It currently has about 930 million users . And at the time of writing the book, the author indicates the number of 850 million (in 2022), which shows that the statistics of this communication channel have a strong upward trend. Insider Intelligence in the Digital Trust Benchmark Report 2021 has recognized LinkedIn as the most trusted social network among the seven largest available in the world for the third time in a row.

LinkedIn's high position stems from the fact that users search for specialist industry knowledge, business news, expert analyses and reports on this platform. It is no coincidence that when you look at global entries to corporate blogs from individual social media channels, the largest number of them come from LinkedIn.


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Sociologist Adrian Gamoń in his latest report states that 20% of Polish LinkedIn users are decision-makers , and over 44% of them have more than 10 years of professional experience . Around 26% of Polish LinkedIn users work in companies employing more than 10 thousand people.

Similarly, as in the case of global statistics, more than half of users are 25-34 years old. When it comes to company pages, we have over 200 thousand profiles related mainly to the IT industry, marketing and advertising, finance and Human Resource. This data indicates not only a large potential in Poland, but also the possibility of reaching out with services and products outside our country.

What is social selling?

Without creating trust, and often rapport, a sense of community or identification with similar values, selling can be very difficult. Of course, there are situations in which a customer makes a purchase because they are motivated by urgency, but in B2B relationships we are more likely to deal with long decision-making processes and competitive analysis.

Social selling , as LinkedIn itself defines it, is the use of social media to find the right customers, create trust and relationships , which in the future will result in achieving goals, mainly sales goals. According to a Forrester study , 82% of buyers viewed at least five pieces of content from the seller they ultimately decided on.

Social selling on LinkedIn works well at all stages of the sales funnel. The social platform can be used to:

searching for potential customers;
learning and building relationships directly on the platform;
customer needs research;
building branding and trust;
closing the transaction.
In addition to the action itself, it is also worth measuring these actions. Angelika Chimkowska has developed her own division of KPIs. She divided the indicators into soft and hard. Of course, they depend on the stage of LinkedIn use by the company and the goals that have been set.

Soft KPIs:
number of fully completed personal profiles;
number of contacts;
number of profile views (over 90 days);
number of “last activity” actions (last two weeks)
SSI (social selling index).
Hard KPIs:
number of emails and/or LinkedIn messages sent;
number of meetings with potential clients;
number of requests for quote;
number of new customers;
value of revenues generated.
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The concept of SSI is noteworthy. LinkedIn was looking for ways to measure user activity and results in order to monitor the effectiveness of personal branding, social selling, and employee advocacy activities. That is why a parameter called social selling index was introduced .