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Why doesn't anyone read your emails?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 10:09 am
by Mitu962
First, you need to get people to open your email. Second, you need to get people to read it. And finally, you need to get people to take action.

When it comes to email marketing strategy and metrics, a lot of attention is paid to open and conversion rates (the first and third list of iceland phone numbers hurdles mentioned above). However, in between, there is the most important step which is getting people to read the email. Proper use of list management techniques and subject line testing methodology will increase open rates, however, without having the hook that gets people to open the emails to read your content, there is no conversion, and as a result, the ROI will go nowhere.

A different approach to email marketing content strategy
You can find tips for getting people to read your emails everywhere on the internet. However, these tips, for example, talk about benefits, how to create attention-grabbing headlines, how to have strong calls to action, etc., are all good. However, without the right strategy for your email marketing content, implementing these techniques will be like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.


The analysis and recommendations we suggest below may be a little different from what you've read in the past, but a new way of thinking about your content strategy may be just the way to transform your email marketing ROI to a fantastic level.

What happens to your email in the real world
It's a fact that people are inundated with emails 24/7 these days. They are not likely to consume content in order to save it for future reference. Unless a subscriber has to act on the content now, it will be forgotten.

So what happens when companies send out emails with information about new products or the industry, useful data and/or the like, the subscriber’s reaction will be, at best, “that’s cool.