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How to position a Landing Page with SEO

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 8:33 am
by Mitu962
Hello, my name is David Ayala and I have been working in SEO and Online Marketing since 2003. In addition, I am also the owner of the oldest Spanish-speaking SEO forum on the Internet, , and SEO manager and co-founder of the Sockdata Business agency .

But enough about me, I'm here to talk about SEO for landing pages, so without further ado, let's get started with the post!

Does it make sense to rank landing pages?
Landing pages are created with a very specific purpose, whether it is to get subscribers, registrations in a system, downloads of a product, a very specific sale, etc.

That is why the most common france consumer mobile number list way to achieve these objectives is to directly use advertising on search engines, on social networks such as Facebook ads, etc.

Why? Because we get very high quality visits, very targeted visits that will be interested in what we offer them.


Another reason is because it is something very fast, we buy the advertising and we start sending traffic to that landing page and since it is such specific traffic, if our landing page is well done, we get a good percentage of conversions.

Once we have reached this point, it is a good time to ask ourselves the question: Why not use SEO for our landing page?