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How to create an online store on Instagram?

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:58 am
by ritu790
What is an online store on Instagram? This is an account through which a seller sells goods to earn money.

Now this is one of the most popular ways to earn money on the Internet. Such a store requires practically no investment in development, it is easy to promote and attract the desired customers. But an online store on Instagram does not imply automation of sales. You will have to manually upload posts and stories with products, reviews and working conditions, monitor comments and respond in private messages on time, send invoices yourself and monitor the order stage.

Let's say you already have products to sell. How to create an online store on Instagram?

Create an Instagram account for your store and link it to your Facebook business page.
Upload an avatar, write a description of the account, indicating the main advantage.
Create a history with the terms of purchase, payment, delivery, return and save it in Highlights.
Fill your profile with beautiful photos of your products japan phone number material where they are clearly visible. Don't forget about a detailed description and a call to action (where to write to order?).
Upload reviews, video reviews of products, new products and other interesting content to stories.
Promote your account by working on your account (correct account description, hashtags, geolocation, etc.), targeted advertising, and advertising with bloggers.
Follow the comments and messages to make sure you don't miss any potential clients or orders.
How to create an online store on Facebook?
In fact, an online store on Facebook is not much different from an online store on Instagram. It is a Facebook account where the owners sell their products.

It is also quite difficult to automate sales, but it is possible to create a chatbot to accept orders.


Create a Facebook business page for your store.
Fill out all descriptions and upload an avatar.
Upload similar products into albums, adding a comprehensive description to each one.
Publish products with descriptions in the main feed and upload stories with reviews, video reviews and other content.
Promote your account by working on your account (correct account description, hashtags, geolocation, etc.), targeted advertising, and advertising with bloggers.
Follow the comments and messages to make sure you don't miss any potential clients or orders.
But still, these are alternatives. It will be difficult for you to achieve high earnings with one store in a social network. An online store on a website is a great opportunity for business growth, earnings and digitalization.

Let's sum it up
An online store is a website where products are presented and anyone can purchase them directly on the Internet.
The global e-commerce market size in 2019 was $3.46 trillion !
Every modern entrepreneur is mastering the Internet, and some are even abandoning all their traditional stores.
Don't sell products that are too expensive. Choose products that are in high demand. The best products are those that are bought impulsively.
If you need a small online store, you can do it yourself! For this, you will need a CMS, but if you do not have technical knowledge and do not want to bother, you can do it on a constructor. But if you need a store for 250 products at once, it is better to contact specialists.
Create an online store on Weblium