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What is Lead Generation? Training and Examples.

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:34 am
by ritu790
A lead is a person who is interested in buying your product and has left their contact information with you. In essence, this is your almost-client. And lead generation is the process of attracting such people.

61% of marketers consider lead generation to be their main task. After all, the end result is “ hot ” leads that are likely to buy your product or service. Simply put, lead generation helps attract customers to your company.

So what is lead generation in reality and what does this process consist of? Today we will talk about attracting clients and show real-life examples, so read this article to the end.


What is lead generation?
Lead generation is the process of attracting people interested in buying to a website, collecting their contact information, and communicating with them to increase the chance of a sale.

lead generation as a way to attract customers

It is important to remember that the goal of lead generation is not to collect as many contacts as possible, but to attract solvent potential customers who are interested in and need your product .

Why would you need a vegan contact if you sell steaks? In the same way, marketers are not interested in attracting 20-year-olds to a site selling country houses.

Why does a business need lead generation? It's simple - the more interested users on the site, the more applications, and, consequently, sales.

Every entrepreneur is interested in profit, so let's figure out the lead generation process together!

Lead generation process
Time passes, competition grows and attracting customers is not so easy. Before buying, users carefully study different sites, evaluate offers and advantages in search of their own benefit. To bring the user to the purchase, it takes from 5 to 8 touches, and sometimes even more.

Through trial and error, marketers from all over the world have developed a specific process for generating quality leads to a website. There is nothing complicated about it if you understand the mechanics and know your target audience. And now we will get to know lead generation better.

Lead generation process

At this stage, you should attract strangers who might be interested in your product.

Lead generation: attraction stage

The stage when the visitor must leave their contact information, with which you will continue to work. In exchange for them, useful information or a discount is most often offered - a lead magnet .

Lead generation: conversion stage

At this stage, we sell the product to the lead. Do not try to earn as much as possible from the first purchase, focus on something else - you must fully satisfy the client's needs and leave him satisfied with your service.

Pay due attention to this period if you want to build a long-term relationship with the client (so that he recommends your product and comes back again and again).

Lead Generation: The Approaching Stage

This is the cherished moment of every entrepreneur! Your first-time customer is satisfied and starts recommending you to his friends. Most likely, he will come back to you himself.

Lead Generation: Loyal Client

But the most important thing is a quality product and excellent service.

Lead generation: training
Although there is a clear algorithm for attracting leads, mistakes are still made. Weblium marketers share tips for successful lead generation so that you attract only hot and high-quality leads.

Know the mechanics of lead generation clearly
This is the only way you can reap the benefits of your work. You must know how to get contacts and how to work with them to sell your product.

Create the Right Selling Landing Page
By attracting visitors to a regular corporate website, you will never get their contacts. Create a separate landing page with a tempting offer in the header and a feedback form where the visitor will leave their details and become a lead. If you have no such experience, start with Weblium. You will not have to rack your brains over creating a sales structure, creating a form and collecting contacts - there is already a ready-made solution.

Create a landing page

Contact leads immediately
Remember that leads are people who are thinking about buying jordan phone number resource your product or service. And until they find another option from your competitor, contact them immediately, discuss their wishes and get to work.

Don't forget about old customers and leads who never made a purchase
Do you think they won't come back to you? But they already know you! And buying from a company with which you had at least some contact is much easier. Remind them of yourself with letters and retargeted advertising with promotions that will interest them for a repeat (or first) purchase.


Don't copy your competitors
Yes, the lead generation process itself is always the same, but the tools and their use should be different. Write unique texts for the landing page, come up with your own original email design and create your own approach by which you can be recognized.

Think through your sales funnel
Remember the final stage of the lead generation process? The client must become loyal - they must become your silent ambassador, recommend you to their friends and buy regularly themselves. To do this, think through communications with them, encourage their purchases and mentions on social networks.

Lead generation sales funnel diagram

Keep mobile users in mind.
52.2% of users visit websites from their phones, and many entrepreneurs still haven’t adapted their pages for mobile! A non-adapted page displays information poorly — a potential client leaves the site — you don’t have a lead — you don’t have a profit. By the way, all templates in Weblium are already adapted for mobile, so that clients don’t have to bother.