Find out about 50 ways to help promote your online store and significantly increase sales.
Add all possible means of communication
This information is very important, so it is worth duplicating it several times: in the header, in the footer and on a separate page "Contacts". Be sure to add the main contact number to the site header.
Please provide the following contact options:
several phone numbers;
email address;
social media;
contact form.
Add several options for communication to the site. The client will choose the most convenient one for him.
A lucky name
Developing a successful store starts with choosing a suitable name. This allows potential customers to remember both you and your product and can help in the long run.
You need to think big and come up with a business name that will work in the future as your company grows.
If you have no ideas, there are agencies and paid services where you can set a task and they will offer you hundreds of options to choose from - a good example of such a service is GoDesigner .
Signature about the company's activities under the logo
Once on the site, the client will first pay attention to the site header and the logo. You should briefly tell what your company does .
A furniture store can write, for example, “Online furniture store,” but not the vague phrase: “We give convenience!”
Start a blog
By creating valuable content, you will build trust in your brand and keep people informed. A simple but very effective way to start a blog is to answer the questions that people most often ask about your products . In addition, you can use your blog to offer tips, tutorials related to your products.
start blogging
Correct pricing
Calculate your direct costs. Direct costs include the cost of raw materials as well as the cost of producing the goods.
Analyze your competitors' prices.
When products are similar, it makes sense to focus on the market price. The buyer will compare the price of a similar product in several stores. Your goal is for him to make a purchase from you.
If the quality of your product is much better than the market one, then there is no point in going into losses. The price must be justified.
You can get one customer by deception and cunning, but you will not be able to get more. When buying a product, the customer expects the description to match reality, and when he does not find this, he will never return to this store. Be honest with yourself and with the buyer and leave only truthful descriptions and properties.
Create a unique selling proposition (USP)
Ask yourself the following questions:
What makes you different from other online stores?
How much does your product cost?
What is the quality of the products?
Now use these answers to tell the buyer about it. Also, look at what your customers write about you and what words they use. These are the keywords that describe your USP.
Increase value for the buyer
Not all products fit the "buy and enjoy" description. Some require additional actions from the buyer , such as:
free shipping;
delivery and free lift to the floor;
for "product on order" - preliminary sale at a discounted price.
Offer the consumer additional services by taking on these tasks yourself. You can do them for free, gaining loyal customers.
Make the most of your newsletter
Once you have received your customer's email, you should keep in touch with them via automated emails. This is also a great option for promoting your special offers and information about new products.
Create email chains
Properly setting up a series of emails will help bring the buyer back to the site to make a purchase.
The first emails are the ones that provide useful information, with minimal use of product advertising and only where necessary.
Once you have gained the trust of your followers, you can offer to make a purchase.
This strategy is a win-win because your readers get useful information, and you earn their loyalty and increase sales in the store.
Collect customer reviews
Collecting customer reviews is a great way to get honest feedback on what they think about your store.
To do this, use mailing services and ask customers to leave feedback about the manager's work, the quality of the purchased product and the difficulties he encountered.
Pay attention to the statistics
Your website statistics will show you what your customers are doing on your site:
what pages they visit;
how much time they spend on certain pages;
what products are purchased;
from which pages they leave the site.
Google Analytics is a free service that allows you to measure and analyze traffic. It will help you build the simplest sales funnels and understand at what stage most potential customers are lost.
Landing Page Optimization
Create a semantic core for your site — queries that customers search for most often in connection with your niche. Create pages based on these queries. Landing pages should be simple and answer one visitor’s query. Write page titles and descriptions based on the list of keywords found.
Get your audience's attention
The following channels are currently at the peak of popularity:
Google and Yandex search engines;
messengers (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber);
social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Vkontakte);
Video hosting Youtube.
Use these channels to place your advertisements and create useful content for your audience.
Increase website traffic
By increasing the number of visits to your site, you can increase the number of sales. Here are some ways to increase traffic:
use SEO promotion to get traffic from search engines;
activity on forums , tracking interest in your type of product and quick response with a link to your store page;
Participation in popular groups will help to tell about new products, promotions, which will bring the audience to the site.
Post just enough to make people notice your activity, but not so much that it's considered spam.
Physical address of the store
The fact that you have a physical address or office can speak of your seriousness and stability. Add the address and map of the physical store to the site .
Besides, not all customers like to buy online, so they will save the address and visit the store.
physical address of the store
Increase sales with promotions
This activity will help increase the average check. Use promotions that will work for any niche and topic:
two for the price of one/ three for the price of two;
buy more to save;
a small gift for a purchase of a certain amount.
Add a countdown timer to your website
Online shopping is ideal for impulse purchases, which are becoming commonplace these days.
To motivate the client to take advantage of the paraguay phone number library promotional offer and create a sense of urgency, add a block with a countdown timer to the site .
countdown timer
Bring a friend
You can expand your customer base by offering existing customers coupons for a gift for a friend. Set a minimum purchase price at which the customer's friend can use their coupon.
This promotion leads to an increase in sales in the following way:
An existing customer wants to please a friend and gives him a coupon.
A friend wants to receive his gift and will purchase the goods for a certain amount.
You will get another client.
Birthday present
Attention is important on this day, but attention is even more important when the customer receives an email with a gift. You can attach a coupon for 20% off or a special free gift in honor of the customer's birthday.

This gives you two benefits: you will get a happy customer and you will increase sales in your online store.
Free shipping
Free shipping can be a motivation to make purchases. Therefore, you can add this service when purchasing from a certain amount, which will help increase the average check and increase sales.
If you have any doubts, add this promotion for a trial period, for example, for a month. Check if it will justify itself by evaluating the results at the end of the month.
Discounts for regular customers
Your regular customers are an audience that needs to be valued and pampered. A great option would be to create a cumulative system for regular customers. It is important to show the client that the discount was created specifically for him.
With each purchase, the discount should increase so that the customer remains motivated to be a customer of your store.
Sales as a way to promote an online store
Specify the purpose of the sale - a sale before a new collection, a seasonal sale or a holiday sale. Such occasions will definitely attract the client's attention. But he should not think that at the sale he can only buy stale and useless goods.
Add a pop-up to your website
Use pop-ups as a marketing tool to increase sales. A well-designed pop-up placed at the right time can significantly increase conversion.
Use pop-ups for the following purposes:
receive visitors' emails;
offer a discount, a product as a gift;
inform about free shipping.