Recently, on the Grow Poland blog , we suggested how neural networks can help in the development of marketing . Today, I would like to take a closer look at one application of AI - creating written content. I will suggest how to include ChatGPT in the daily work of a copywriter and avoid the traps we can fall into.
Will ChatGPT replace copywriters?
Chat GPT is a language model. Language models are a type of artificial intelligence that is trained to understand and generate statements in natural language (i.e. English or Polish). ChatGPT, part of the sweden business email list GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) family of models, has been trained on a huge text dataset to learn to understand context and generate responses based on text input.

So it would seem that this tool performs exactly the same task as a professional copywriter – creating statements on a given topic based on available information. But does it cope with it completely?
I won't keep readers in suspense: in my opinion, ChatGPT will not replace professional copywriters. It may relieve us of simple tasks and eliminate the need to create generic content ourselves, but it does not pose a threat to the entire industry, rather it opens up new possibilities.
Moreover, the risks associated with it, such as the flood of low-quality content or, worse, fake content, can only be limited by wise human oversight. Perhaps fearing similar consequences, some entrepreneurs looking for copywriters are already stipulating that they cannot use AI.
Is this the right direction and does it mean that it is better to give up AI-based technology in your work? Marketing experts tend to agree – no! Tools like ChatGPT can make creation much easier and faster if we do not want to be left behind, so it is worth taking an interest in them.
It’s also worth remembering that ChatGPT isn’t the first AI-powered tool to help with marketing copywriting. Apps or features on larger platforms like HubSpot have been around for some time and haven’t displaced live creative workers. ChatGPT has gained exceptional popularity, and it’s simply the tool that’s recently brought AI’s opportunities and risks to the public’s attention.
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How to use ChatGPT in your copywriting work? [+ tips on how to do it]
Below are some ideas on how to incorporate ChatGPT into a copywriter's daily work at subsequent stages of text creation.
Collecting ideas
ChatGPT can help you at the initial stage of your work when collecting ideas, e.g. for blog posts. The more precisely you indicate the topic range that interests you, the greater the chance that the results will not be too general. It is very likely that you will not use any of the topics exactly as proposed by Chat, but they can be a starting point for ideas. In an era of increasingly frequent remote work, which makes team brainstorming and coffee chats difficult, and for freelancers working alone, this can be a valuable aid that allows you to break through a creative block.
Users quickly realized that ChatGPT can be used as an alternative search engine. It does a good job of answering simple questions. A similar function is performed by "snippets," or short summaries displayed by search engines. However, it is important to remember that the ChatGPT database only goes back to 2021 and that it does not guarantee the veracity of the results. It is still necessary to verify the information, but ChatGPT's answers can be a good starting point for your search.
Creating articles from notes
Yes, ChatGPT can write an article for us, but depending on the data we provide, the effect is more or less satisfactory. Entering your own detailed notes into the system, e.g. from an interview with an expert or sources, works relatively well. AI will be able to structure the information and create full sentences. Mandatory (see below) proofreading of the text usually takes less time than composing it yourself.
Creating titles and slogans
ChatGPT can suggest titles or slogans. Quite often, however, they are general and formulaic - to avoid this, it is worth using a solution that combines our creativity with AI skills. For example, you can present Chat with three slogan suggestions and ask it to create more - this way we will quickly gain a list of suggestions to choose from and increase the probability that it will suit us in style and content. In the case of titles (and not only), it is best to send the entire text they are to refer to in the conversation.
Adding emoticons and hashtags
Chat GPT is really good at adding emoticons, for example to social media posts. So this short task can be done in two clicks. It can also suggest relevant hashtags.
Differentiating the message depending on the channel
We can also use ChatGPT to diversify the message for different communication channels, e.g. by preparing entries for several social media platforms. However, simply providing the name of the service usually does not allow for obtaining a satisfactory effect. It is best to indicate to the artificial intelligence what style of speech we would like to maintain, e.g. business or casual, friendly. The result may still require correction, but it usually indicates the direction of changes well. ChatGPT can also shorten and lengthen texts, but they usually require thorough correction after such an operation.