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How to convince your boss to implement CRM? 5 arguments

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:43 am
by shukla53621
Do you work in sales, marketing or customer service and are fed up with ineffective ways of collecting information about customers? Do you see how much your company loses due to the lack of effective use of data and chaotic management of customer relationships? Do you dream of streamlining your daily work with a CRM system? You probably have one more key step ahead of you - convincing your boss to fulfill your dream.

We know that management and managers do not speak the language of a good fairy, but the language of rational arguments and hard data. That is why in this article we have collected for you the strongest arguments for implementing CRM in the company from the point of view of managers.

1. CRM allows you to measure results
The CRM system collects hard sales data, e.g. the number of activities ireland business email list undertaken by sales representatives, closing ratio, the ratio of the number of transactions to the number of leads, and the transaction value.


They are collected in a uniform manner in automatically generated reports. This improves the comfort of work for the manager, who no longer has to wait for sales reports, expect delays, or deal with inconsistent data.

In systems such as HubSpot, which offer marketing tools and integration with external channels, we gain such knowledge not only about sales, but also about earlier stages of activities. This is important information for marketers and marketing managers - it allows to prove the real impact of marketing activities on closed transactions, and therefore to more precisely define KPIs or plan budgets.

Example? Connecting to Google Ads gives us the ability to see which channels or campaigns ultimately bring us sales .

Measuring advertising campaign results in CRM

2. CRM enables you to make data-driven decisions
This is an argument that logically follows from the previous one – when we know which actions bring results and which do not, we can much better manage our funds. But that is not all. After all, CRM is a source of data not only about the team's actions, but also, and even above all, about customer behavior. Using marketing automation tools built into CRM also gives us more information about the customer before they become our customer, e.g. through better analysis of their digital traffic on our website, or specific scoring of responsiveness to emails, etc.

More customer data includes:

More personalized communications – According to Accencure, 91% of customers are more likely to purchase from a brand that recognizes and remembers their preferences and provides relevant offers and recommendations, while Gartner reports that providing personalized customer experiences is still a challenge for more than two-thirds (63 percent) of digital marketing executives. CRM data and personalization tools address these needs.

Better customer service - 97% of consumers say that customer service interactions affect whether they remain loyal to a given brand (Calabrio). With greater knowledge of the customer's history of interactions with the company, a notification system for tickets, new communication channels such as live chat, chatbots or a knowledge base for customers, CRM allows you to speed up customer service and increase its quality.

3. CRM helps with team management and team integration
Knowing the results of individual salespeople is one side of the coin. Other CRM features that managers and leaders will particularly appreciate include assigning tasks and reports, such as customer service tickets or automatic lead rotation between salespeople.

From the level of control over the entire Revenue Operations process , it is also important that all teams have access to the same data source, which eliminates communication barriers between departments. Managers managing both marketing and sales will certainly appreciate the potential of CRM, which I wrote about in the article on marketing and sales cooperation .