Forewarned is forearmed! First, let's figure out what tools scammers use

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[email protected]
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Forewarned is forearmed! First, let's figure out what tools scammers use

Post by [email protected] »

We tell you how to understand that the activity in your account is artificially increased and not to be deceived. You can do this yourself or with the help of special services.

Methods of cheating

There are different ways to create the illusion of popularity of a page or channel:

Get bots . These are "users" who can automatically subscribe to a argentina mobile phone numbers database page, like, comment and repost posts. But all of these are dead souls.
Boost real subscribers. There are services that allow you to buy the activity of real people: users register, perform tasks (subscribe, like, write a comment, repost) and receive small money for this. The work is usually carried out from fake accounts: these are not robots, but also not a real, loyal, solvent audience.
Buy an account with good statistics. In order not to promote from scratch, someone can buy a ready-made resource and start posting something of their own and often something completely different (to the “delight” of subscribers). It is also unlikely to get a loyal audience from such an account.
Numbers are useless unless there are real users behind them who might be interested, subscribe and buy. So, if you see an account owner with 50,000 subscribers or 50 reposts of each post, don't rush to conclusions.

You can analyze a channel or profile manually.

1. Request detailed statistics from account owners
What is visible, for example, views, does not mean anything. The same user can watch a video 10 times and give it +10 views. These numbers will not show the real size of the audience, and they can be artificially inflated.

More qualitative indicators are reach (the number of unique users who interacted with the publication), CTR (the ratio of clicks, transitions to impressions) and engagement (an indicator of the sum of reactions - likes, comments, etc.).

Statistics data should be monitored dynamically: how the numbers change from month to month. Every sharp jump should raise suspicions. During this period, there was no advertising campaign, no promotions, no sweepstakes, no "hype" posts, newsbreaks or new algorithms? Then, most likely, the activity was inflated. Normal growth should be gradual, and the statistics graphs should be smooth.
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