How to succeed in digital transformation

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How to succeed in digital transformation

Post by mouakter11 »

It is difficult to establish a decisive model for change management. However, we have compiled 3 organizational points that you should take into account when implementing a digital strategy in a company.

1. Create the necessary framework for employees
Employees are not necessarily opposed to change, unless they don't realize it's coming. That's why it's important to get ahead of the game and involve the entire organization from the beginning . This will make employees prepared. To do this, it will be important to answer the following questions:

Which employees are involved in the digital strategy?
How does digital strategy affect employees?
Do employees have the right skills for the task?
Have employees understood why these changes are an advantage for the company and for themselves?
Do employees have the right goals to help support the new strategy so that there is an incentive to carry it out?
2. Define work procedures
It is also important to consider which old working procedures ivory coast email list should be prioritized or eliminated altogether. Here is what is important in trying to answer these questions:

What specific tasks need to be closed?
What new working procedures should be prioritized?
Who are the right people to carry out the tasks?
Should we train or hire new profiles?
Has the budget been allocated for the purchase of new digital systems?
When Novicell's strategic consultants advise clients on their employees and work procedures, we often use the competency map tool : it provides a solid overview of the required competencies. The tool helps to identify potential gaps between current and future competencies and what is needed to close this gap.

Similarly, we also perform task mapping which provides an overview of the different jobs they produce and the resources that different tasks require. Task mapping helps management figure out which tasks should be prioritized and which ones should be closed. It also gives the employee an overview of the priority of one's own resources according to the strategy.
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