Do you know how much your users are worth? Correctly identify your audience and the metrics to calculate the value of your users in today's article of our column: " User Profiling Pills ".
Users, consumers, visitors or simply people, as it would be more correct to call them. What we expect is that these people come to our site, learn about our products, perhaps visit our stores and finally possibly buy what we have to offer them. What should interest us even more is that these people then come back to buy from us and possibly speak well of the experience they had, directly or through our products.
“The purpose of business is to create customers and keep them”
Peter Ferdinand Drucker
The value of your users
Segmenting your audience is the first fundamental step of any marketing personalization project and knowing our potential customers is one of the main cornerstones of any marketing project. Anonymous visitors, registered users, customers... Have we ever wondered how much they are worth to us? Not in abstract terms, but in concrete, numerical terms.
Do we know how many of our visitors are already customers, and for what amounts?
Do we know how many are first-time users and what tastes they display?
Do we know how many of these are leads we can re-contact once they’ve left our site?
It is essential to understand the composition of your overall audience so that we can implement different strategies that allow us to advance these users in their purchasing funnel and, once they have become customers, guarantee them communications that are so relevant that they will be convinced to return to us as soon as possible.
Beyond Pareto
It is essential to know how list of aruba consumer email populous and how much each of these segments is worth because in a world of finite resources, such as those of our companies, we must focus first and foremost on the segments that can bring us greater results in projection. Although technologies make it possible to automate this process, it is essential, both for tactical and especially strategic purposes, to understand what the 80% of visitors who bring us 20% of the turnover are made up of. The famous Pareto principle is no longer enough for us or rather, it must be taken to a new level, detailing as much as possible the tastes, preferences, habits and customs of our 20%.
“It can be done”
Gene Wilder
Although the level of detail we can reach is really very high, it is always important to be able to understand how much each individual segment of users is worth to us. This will allow us to avoid studying a fabulous marketing campaign that addresses only three people, who perhaps have a very low probability of buying from us.