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Email Innovations Summit London 2018

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:16 am
by pappu9268
Email Innovations Summit

On October 17 and 18, we attended the Email Innovations Summit held in London. This is the European edition of the main event dedicated to the email marketing industry (the edition in Las Vegas takes place in June).
In the following post we summarize the two topics that occupied the majority of the presentations.

Adoption of AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies

In a previous post we already discussed this topic. At the oman mobile phone number list Email Innovations Summit we had the opportunity to learn from Katy Bennett, head of sales at Tinyclues , what applications AI has in the field of optimizing marketing campaigns. The company, founded in 2010, was created to help brands use the full potential of information contained in B2C marketing databases. In short, what the solution allows is to find future buyers for the parameters that are established, for example a product or product category or the interaction channel. This video presents a successful case of applying this technology to email marketing.

The question of how the Email Marketing industry will incorporate AI was present during the two days. Dave Chaffey from Smartinsights and Jenna Tiffany from Let´s talk strategy , were very optimistic about it, indicating that there are already success stories that describe very significant improvements in the main KPIs thanks to the creation of highly optimized messages (the offer, image and copy). Some of the results that were presented reveal improvements of more than 60% in openings, clicks and conversions.

Although the future looks promising, in various talks we were able to confirm that startups like Tinyclues have to carry out an “evangelization” task, since there is great resistance to adopting new ways of doing email marketing. In fact, we all agree that the good and stable results offered by email marketing today make it difficult for organizations to bet on innovating in this channel.

Automation of campaign production


Elliott Ross from Taxi for Email opened the debate on how to improve campaign production processes. This is, without a doubt, one of the key topics addressed at this year's edition and was also echoed in the presentation by Matt Hayes from Kickdynamic .

Moment of the presentation by Philip Storey from Enchant Agency
The most common context for creating campaigns is one in which there are multiple approval systems (design, sales, marketing) and very manual content review and change processes (images, texts, links). This is a very slow process. The core of the issue is how to be more efficient in the campaign production phase. In this context, the presentations by Elliott Ross and Matt Hayes presented two different alternatives. In the first case, Taxi for email was presented , a solution aimed at optimising the process of creating email templates and versions. In the case of Kickdynamic , we saw the technology of so-called “contextual email marketing”, that is, the system by which the content of an email changes each time it is opened according to predefined rules (for example, a change in stock, the end of a promotion or the weather forecast). This is a substantial change in the way we understand email marketing: moving from communicating “static” content to sending content that automatically adapts to the context.