For this post, I created a sample blog post using AI tools at all stages of the workflow. This will allow you to see the most useful features and their practical application in the daily tasks of a content creator or copywriter .
1. Collecting ideas
Choosing a topic is the first task in creating content. Sometimes you know what area to cover, but you have trouble coming up with a specific topic. Other times, you need a series of articles that form a thematic hungary business email list block. The content assistant can help you gather ideas . To use it, simply type a slash in the text editor of your HubSpot blog . After selecting "Ideas" from the drop-down menu, you can enter the appropriate query:

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The content assistant will suggest several topics:
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Now you can repeat the question using the "Generate" button or enter the selected topic into the editor using the "Insert" button.
2. Creating an article plan
Once you have chosen a topic, either your own or one suggested by the AI, the next step is to create the right structure for your article. If you are unsure about what points to cover, the content assistant can also suggest a suitable plan of speech.
After typing the slash, this time you should select "Outline" from the drop-down menu. Here's a sample outline that you can then insert into the editor and modify to suit your needs. It even includes appropriate heading level markings to help optimize your target text for SEO .
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3. Content generation
Once you’ve adjusted your topic and plan to your needs, it’s time to write the actual content of your article. As you can see in the sample outline, HubSpot already signals topics to develop at this stage. You can use them as a basis for further work. There are several possibilities worth experimenting with.
"Expand" option in the content assistant – after selecting a sentence, you can ask the assistant to expand it. Click the lightning bolt icon that appears next to the selected text.
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Create a paragraph with the content assistant – in the content assistant you also have the option of creating a paragraph. In the editor, just type the slash again, select the "Paragraph" option, and then type the query in the window. It can be simply one of the topics or headings proposed in the draft.
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ChatSpot – If the content assistant’s suggestions aren’t enough, or if you simply prefer to tackle the topic holistically, you can use another AI tool integrated with HubSpot, ChatSpot . It’s a good idea to provide it with both a topic and a previously generated content plan.
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4. Posting a Blog Entry
As you can see above, after generating the post, ChatSpot suggests adding it to the blog right away. If your HubSpot account is connected to ChatSpot, just click "Create Blog Draft in HubSpot" and the finished draft will appear in the system, which the chat will inform us about.
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If you then click on the "View in HubSpot" button, you can check the effect immediately.
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A blog post with an appropriate title is already in your HubSpot, with no additional action required.
5. Editorial Office
Of course, you don’t have to rely entirely on AI. Once your post is in HubSpot, it’s a good time to work on it a bit. If some parts seem too long, too short, or you want to change their style, you can also use the content assistant to help you at this stage.
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As you can see, the sample entry could do with a bit of human touch to improve the language, style, and some substantive elements, but a significant portion of the work is already done – quickly and efficiently. It’s worth remembering that the tools described work efficiently (or even more efficiently) in English as well.
6. Meta description and title
Once your post is ready, it's time to check out the "Settings" tab. Your blog title is already selected, but you can also use the hint. To do this, select the lightning bolt icon in the upper right corner of the title line.
The second thing that you need to take care of for search engine optimization is the article's meta description. Again, in the upper right corner, above the window, you will find a lightning bolt that will allow you to generate a description with one click.
Screenshot 2023-09-20 102108Generated descriptions can be a bit too long for SEO, but you can easily make them the right length with automatic character count recommendation.
7. Adding illustrations
To publish your post, all you need to do is set up a suitable main image. If you don’t have a suitable graphic on hand, ChatSpot can help again. Here are the images it generated for my example post on AI Marketing.Screenshot 2023-09-20 103058
You can tell ChatSpot the subject, style, mood, and colors of the image so that you can best match it to your post.
8. Creating an audio version
The basic version of our article is ready. Thanks to AI-based tools, we can add a few additional elements that will make the entry more attractive and accessible to a larger audience.
In the latest update, related to the creation of Content Hub , HubSpot has made available to users the function of generating audio versions of texts. It is indeed easy to use and means that with a few clicks we can create a completely new format of our content. You will find the "Generate a narration for this blog post" window above the content editor of your post or in the "Settings" -> "Post Narration" tab. After selecting it, you will see a window that allows you to accept the text that is the basis of the audio version or edit it (for the purposes of the audio version, we can e.g. shorten the text, remove captions of illustrations or, on the contrary, supplement the text with what the images convey). You can also choose from several voiceovers.