How did this happen?

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How did this happen?

Post by roshniakter123 »

One article had over 2 million views in just one issue: Think about it, the writers we follow share their smart ideas, their mental models, it really helps us, that's why we often come back to them. In 2008, Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine, wrote the New York Times bestselling book, The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More.

The premise of the long tail theory is that content job seekers data consumption is increasingly moving away from a relatively small number of “hits” at the top of the demand curve toward a vast amount of content in the tail. In other words, there are more books, articles, movies, music, apps, and TV shows available than ever before. As a result, people are focusing on the smaller topics that interest them most at that moment.

More and more media companies are working on high-quality headlines, monopolizing attention and gaining more profit from them. The early pioneers of the internet thought it would be a great democratizer. Thirty years later, the internet has turned out to be the greatest centralizer in human history (read Attention Merchants for more on this topic). The internet operates on a rich-get-richer basis. People love a game that focuses on winning because winners receive disproportionate rewards.
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