5 Keys to Using Content Marketing to Drive Traffic to Your Website
Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 6:04 am
5 Keys to Using Content Marketing to Drive Traffic to Your WebsiteIn Inbound Marketing, content marketing is also used to attract traffic to the website. We explain 5 keys to get the best performance.
If you have read our previous article (and if not, we invite you to do so now) What are the Content Pillars in Inbound Marketing? you will already know that the Content Pillars are the vehicle to obtain information from our potential clients.
In addition to many other actions that we can take, one that is especially important – and the most profitable in the medium and long term – is to generate content that attracts visitors who we can invite to access the landing pages where we offer them our Content Pillars.
It is important to note that we have already defined the Content Pillars, which are the result of research and are therefore perfectly clear.
If you have any questions about this phase, I suggest you read the latvia business email list article Content marketing in an inbound marketing strategy and then come back to this one.
1. How does my potential client search for information?
Do you ask other colleagues? Do you attend training courses or conferences related to the problems you want to solve? Do you read specialist journals? Do you search on the Internet?
Whenever we talk about content marketing, we understand that we are referring to the online world, especially in the context of an inbound marketing campaign. But this is not always the case.
Offering a seminar, giving a lecture, teaching a class, writing an article in a newspaper, giving an interview... is also content marketing. And in any of these situations we can invite our potential client to visit our website or blog so that they can "find" our Content Pillars offer.
2. Where do you look for that information?
Directly related to the above, once you know how, it is time to specify where, and identify the most suitable media to get our messages across. And we insist, the media will not always be online.
If, for example, you regularly attend conferences held at your professional association, it would be a good idea for you, someone on your team or a hired person, to offer yourself as a speaker at that professional association.
3. If you search for it on the Internet, what keywords do you use?
There is little to explain at this point. It is a matter of investigating, using the numerous tools available on the Internet, what keywords your potential client types into the search engine to find the information you want to offer them.
4. Is your website and blog optimized for those keywords?
After the above research, make a list of keywords and optimize your online presence based on those keywords.
This is a job that can be complicated and involve more changes than initially planned. For example, it may require modifying URLs and, as a result, internal links and "notifying" Google – via Google Search Console – of the changes that have been made.
If you have read our previous article (and if not, we invite you to do so now) What are the Content Pillars in Inbound Marketing? you will already know that the Content Pillars are the vehicle to obtain information from our potential clients.
In addition to many other actions that we can take, one that is especially important – and the most profitable in the medium and long term – is to generate content that attracts visitors who we can invite to access the landing pages where we offer them our Content Pillars.
It is important to note that we have already defined the Content Pillars, which are the result of research and are therefore perfectly clear.
If you have any questions about this phase, I suggest you read the latvia business email list article Content marketing in an inbound marketing strategy and then come back to this one.
1. How does my potential client search for information?
Do you ask other colleagues? Do you attend training courses or conferences related to the problems you want to solve? Do you read specialist journals? Do you search on the Internet?
Whenever we talk about content marketing, we understand that we are referring to the online world, especially in the context of an inbound marketing campaign. But this is not always the case.
Offering a seminar, giving a lecture, teaching a class, writing an article in a newspaper, giving an interview... is also content marketing. And in any of these situations we can invite our potential client to visit our website or blog so that they can "find" our Content Pillars offer.
2. Where do you look for that information?
Directly related to the above, once you know how, it is time to specify where, and identify the most suitable media to get our messages across. And we insist, the media will not always be online.
If, for example, you regularly attend conferences held at your professional association, it would be a good idea for you, someone on your team or a hired person, to offer yourself as a speaker at that professional association.
3. If you search for it on the Internet, what keywords do you use?
There is little to explain at this point. It is a matter of investigating, using the numerous tools available on the Internet, what keywords your potential client types into the search engine to find the information you want to offer them.
4. Is your website and blog optimized for those keywords?
After the above research, make a list of keywords and optimize your online presence based on those keywords.
This is a job that can be complicated and involve more changes than initially planned. For example, it may require modifying URLs and, as a result, internal links and "notifying" Google – via Google Search Console – of the changes that have been made.