A detailed page on every specific service

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A detailed page on every specific service

Post by rabhasan018542 »

The State of Local SEO: Experts Weigh in on Industry-Specific Tactics Local SEO | Marketing Industry The author's views are entirely their own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended the way we engage with local businesses. We're ordering more food for delivery, spending more money in online shops, and checking for safety measures on the web listings of businesses of all kinds. But what do these new trends mean for the ways businesses market themselves online? We asked five local SEO experts to zero in on the trends and tactics businesses across five industries should focus on to get ahead — and stay ahead — during this time.

For more local insights, download our State of Local SEO Industry Report ebay database . 1. 70% of local marketers reported marketing budget cuts due to COVID-19, leading marketers to focus even more on the most impactful local SEO campaign elements. Which three local search marketing tactics are delivering the most value for businesses right now, and why? Phil Rozek: Health and Wellness Services 1. Detailed, recent reviews — especially on Google Maps, but preferably also on other sites. 2. Where applicable, a “telehealth”-type page that goes into great detail on what specific problem(s) the doctor or wellness profession can help with remotely.

3., procedure, or condition the practice handles, each with a section that explicitly states whether a telehealth or similar “virtual” option is applicable to it. Joy Hawkins: Legal Services 1. Link building. A lot of businesses have a hard time getting quality links on their own, so when you have link building tactics at an agency that work, it can be a huge value add. 2. Optimizing internal linking structure on the business website. Most websites for small businesses are not structured properly, and making a few adjustments to internal linking can make fairly impressive changes in the search results.
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