Why should companies consider outsourcing Email Marketing and eCRM services to a specialized agency?

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Why should companies consider outsourcing Email Marketing and eCRM services to a specialized agency?

Post by pappu9268 »

The global martech industry is worth around $344 billion (The Martech Report, 21-22), and there are a growing number of vendors and solutions in the ecosystem (State of Martech 2022. Chiefmartech). In a 2021 Hubspot report on the state of marketing, 76% of companies said they were using martech intensively in their marketing programs, and 90% also said they were prioritizing technology over people in their investment plans.

It is clear that marketing professionals are pointing to technology as an essential lever for the development of their growth and change plans. In general, companies are increasingly focusing on technology and less on people.

This situation can lead to a major problem. 50% of denmark mobile phone number list marketing professionals say they feel overwhelmed by the wealth and complexity of the technology at their disposal (Clevertouch, State of Martech Report 2022). It is estimated that up to 40% of the technology in a company may be unused or underutilized, due to companies lacking the skills, knowledge and experience needed to exploit its full potential.

This situation often means that when the results expected from the adoption of a technology do not arrive, the focus tends to be placed on the technology itself, blaming it for not delivering what was promised, and starting a new cycle of searching for new solutions.

In a scenario like the one described above, the role that specialized agencies can play in the exploitation of martech, each in its own particular field, makes sense and is justified. Below we explain why companies should consider outsourcing Email Marketing, Marketing Automation and eCRM services to a specialized agency.

What characterizes a full-service agency specialized in the fields of Email Marketing, eCRM and Marketing Automation?
Team specialization.
Email Service Providers and Marketing Clouds have gone from being platforms for sending or managing campaigns to being tools for centralizing communications across multiple channels (Email, SMS, App and even the web). In addition, they allow data from different sources (CRM, E-commerce, ERP) to be stored in tables, which allows for highly personalized content as well as the automation of communications. Properly managing this technology requires real experience and specialization. On the other hand, the specificity of the email channel and the challenges it poses (multiple email providers, mobile and desktop media, layout difficulties, etc.) can only be addressed with guarantees by a highly specialized and experienced team.

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Accumulated knowledge and experience.
There is implicit knowledge in the agency, acquired after years dealing with clients from different industries, some more experienced and others less so, with different technologies, etc., but always within the same field, which when activated in a new project is what really makes the difference.

Specialization, knowledge and experience are the defining characteristics of a specialized agency.

What benefits can a company obtain by hiring an agency?
Reducing the time to market of marketing initiatives.
Without sufficient specialization and experience, technologically deploying eCRM, Email and Marketing Automation initiatives can take much longer than desired. A specialized and experienced team can reduce the implementation time of new initiatives by up to 50%.
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