Social Business Engineering

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Social Business Engineering

Post by Arzina333 »

With this in mind, we will focus on those people who understand the possibilities of social media and who want and can use these resources for business purposes in the coming 10 months . Currently (only) 1% of our organization. We call these 45 people our Social Business Champions , recognizable by the following behavior:

They show a certain passion online (they have completed their bios, they enter into relationships, share information and tell stories),
They position themselves (and thus our organization) online (personal branding),
They know how to successfully combine their own vision and business reporting,
They help each other and others (the principle of reciprocity),
They are willing to go the extra mile,
They understand the technology.
The last point, technique, is the least relevant. After all, this is the easiest thing to teach people.

Successfully deploying social media for business means for B2B employees: arriving at a valuable online dialogue that has a positive effect on their own objectives. Objectives that for commercial organizations can always be traced back to 1) generating more income, 2) reducing costs and 3) increasing customer satisfaction.

To establish a dialogue via social channels, a thailand phone data number of steps need to be taken:

5 Sequential Steps in Using Social Media as a Business Tool

These steps will have to be repeated when objectives change. We guide the Social Business Champions at every step. Either 1-on-1, or together with the team they are part of. The topics we cover differ per step and depend on the Champion and his/her objectives.

The term Social Business Engineering has a twofold meaning for us. On the one hand, we teach colleagues how to generate new business with existing or new customers using social media. On the other hand, we want to show internally and externally – by achieving demonstrable (small-scale) successes – that you can use social media effectively for business. We want to remove cold feet and scepticism and take a step towards a real network organisation or social business.
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