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Open letter signed by Elon Musk and other senior officials

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 8:50 am
by tasnimsanika69
Artificial intelligence has arrived with a bang , which is why many people are complaining that this set of systems could pose a great threat to society , and billionaire Elon Musk has joined them .

Some people claim that AI could even make many jobs disappear as humans could be replaced by artificial intelligence. For example, one of the professions that has been most threatened has been journalism . Now, experts are the ones who believe that this could happen.

Artificial intelligence: a threat to society?
Several AI researchers, including Apple and Skype co-founders Steve Wozniak and Jaan Tallinn, and Twitter CEO Elon Musk, among others, have drafted and signed an open letter to artificial intelligence labs.

In this letter they ask that AI research be developed more slowly , since its evolution and subsequent application in various sectors can pose a great "risk to society and humanity . "

According to these experts, artificial intelligence laboratories are currently in a “race out of control” to develop and implement machine learning systems with AI .

“We call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4,” they state in the letter. “This pause must be public and verifiable . If this break cannot be carried out quickly, governments should intervene and implement a moratorium ,” they explain.

What can happen from now on?
Artificial intelligence has entered our lives with a bang, and it seems that it will stay to cambodia number screening evolve and be implemented in people's professional and even daily lives .

Many brands have already used AI for their campaigns, such as Inditex, Levi's, Burger King, Google and Microsoft . For this reason, forcing artificial intelligence laboratories to stop researching with it could be said to be an almost impossible mission .

Although this letter may not have any effect on the development and research of AI, it does mean a big step towards putting the issue on the table and debating and assessing to what extent artificial intelligence can be harmful or beneficial to humanity .

In this open letter, experts, senior managers and Elon Musk all believe that what should be done is to stop and establish a protocol for the future of the application of AI in the real world: "They should stop and implement a set of shared security p