Sample size of an Insight Community

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Sample size of an Insight Community

Post by pappu9268 »

Market research has methodologies and processes that help validate the study, increase confidence in the information being collected from the markets and reduce the risk of drawing erroneous conclusions from the research. Today we are going to learn more about the sample size of an Insight Community.

The rigor and methodology of market research are on a par with studies carried out by branches of science such as sociology, psychology, etc.

Considerations for Insight Community sample size
If we were talking about an Insight Community : what variables would we have to consider?

For example: One of the basic variables that we have when conducting a market study using surveys is the size of the sample that we must interview so that the information from our surveys can be considered valid, which we determine using some variables such as the size of the universe, the expected level of confidence, acceptable margin of error, among other things.

1.- Type of activities to be carried out
The first thing we must consider is that an Insight Community is a romania phone number research space in which we gather users who will participate in quantitative and qualitative activities, that is, they will be able to participate in surveys and other activities such as forums and live chats.

So the first thing we need to consider is: what activity will we be primarily conducting in our Insight Community?

I recommend you read: 3 Keys to Achieving the Success of an Online Community .

For example, if I wanted to create such a platform to conduct a series of focus group studies in live chats with a size of 10 to 15 participants, I would require a significantly different community size if my primary research tool were surveys.

2.- Diversity of profiles
Another element to consider for the sample size of an Insight Community is the diversity of profiles. One of the advantages of having a research community is that we can have several profiles within a single common space, since online community research tools usually allow the use of profile-based segmentation variables to carry out micro-segmented studies.

Therefore, we must logically and distinctly define the number of unique profiles that we will have within the community, to determine acceptable sample sizes of said profiles to carry out online research.

I invite you to read: Objectives of market segmentation .

3.- Response rate
Once we determine the type of study we want to conduct in the community, step two is to consider the typical response rate in our community.

As we know from traditional research, there are segments that have a broader community level than others, so it is normal for some communities to be more active than others naturally, as well as a response rate being affected by the type of community in which members participate. Branded, thematic or generic communities: What is best for me?

On average, 30% of the members of a community will agree to answer a survey in full, and this may vary from 10% to 40% depending on the case.
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