When was the last time you liked a brand so much that you wanted to recommend it to a friend, colleague or family member? Maybe you've come across an NPS survey in chat and recommended the service they provided, or maybe you didn't have a good experience and left negative feedback. The truth is that conducting a survey in chat is one of the most used contact channels by companies to evaluate their service.
NPS not only helps businesses measure customer satisfaction but also their loyalty. And loyalty is measured by knowing whether people would recommend your products or services to who do you think? Yes, you guessed it, to their family, friends, and colleagues. Keeping customers happy is the top priority of every organization, and continuously making improvements in customer services based on their feedback is very important for organizational growth. That is why conducting a survey on char using the Net Promoter Score question is a great idea to achieve this.
“Customer service shouldn’t be a department, it should be the entire company” – Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos
How an NPS survey works
To begin, customers or consumers are asked to rate their likelihood of panama phone number recommending an organization, company or brand to their family, friends or colleagues on a scale of 0 to 10 points. The customer has to choose an exact number between 0 and 10 (with 0 being the lowest and 10 being the highest).
Depending on the number chosen on the scale, customers are classified as detractors, passives and promoters.
If the customer who received the service gave a rating of 0 to 6 in the results of your chat survey, they are considered to be part of the detractors, they would be within the group of people who would not recommend your brand and who might even say negative things about it.
If the customer gave a rating of 7 to 8, they are considered passive, among those who would likely recommend your brand and maybe even stay with it.
If the customer gave a rating of 9 to 10, they are considered part of the promoters, the group of people who are loyal to your brand and would recommend your brand to their friends, colleagues or family.
Learn more about the concepts of customer loyalty and customer satisfaction .
How is Net Promoter Score calculated?
Let's say you conducted a chat survey using the NPS question to 100 people and received responses from all of them. The responses would be broken down as follows:
Net Promoter Score Formula : (Number of promoters – number of detractors) / (number of participants) x 100
Suppose you got 100 responses and these are what the participants said:
10 responses were in the range of 0 to 6 (detractors)
30 answers were in the range of 7 to 8 (passive)
60 responses were in the range of 9 to 10 (promoters)
If you know how an NPS survey works, you will realize that by calculating the percentages, we have 10% of detractors, 30% of passives and 60% of promoters.
Applying the formula, the NPS is as follows:
NPS formula: (60 – 10) / 100 x 100 = 50
Note: The Net Promoter Score is always shown as a number and not as a percentage. This means that the NPS here is 50.
Don't be surprised if you find yourself with a result of -100 to +100, it is possible that it happens.