And the example that I always share with my team is that if you're sharing what you do
Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:08 am
would you change it If you were talking to like a ten year old versus a fellow marketer? And they're always like, yep, something like exactly. Like try to understand the level of awareness and interest your audience has and meet them where they're at because your content is never about you.
It's always about your audience. And that's such a big lesson that I find that I have to repeat constantly at work or even to follow marketers.
Daniel Burstein: Yeah, it's true. And have empathy for czech republic whatsapp resource lack of a better word. The newbie. I mean, now there is a point where, you know, when you're creating like we're creating marketing content all the time, we're trying to keep getting better and better and just like, you know, impressed at the top level marketer make it, you know, so, you know, amazing for that like really experienced marketer.
And then at one point I rolled out some marketing 1 to 1 content that did the best because, yes, there were a lot of people who just just want to know the basics. And you forget when you're in a certain amount of time, right? You're not you know, as you said, I like this extra level of content, right?
You're looking at like, who's that? Like HD level, right? I want to impress that person versus just not most of your audience, probably for most audiences. But, you know, along the lines of that is making sure you understand what your goal is going in. Why are you creating this content, what you're trying to do with it? And one of your lessons is have a measurement plan in place before even creating content.
It's always about your audience. And that's such a big lesson that I find that I have to repeat constantly at work or even to follow marketers.
Daniel Burstein: Yeah, it's true. And have empathy for czech republic whatsapp resource lack of a better word. The newbie. I mean, now there is a point where, you know, when you're creating like we're creating marketing content all the time, we're trying to keep getting better and better and just like, you know, impressed at the top level marketer make it, you know, so, you know, amazing for that like really experienced marketer.
And then at one point I rolled out some marketing 1 to 1 content that did the best because, yes, there were a lot of people who just just want to know the basics. And you forget when you're in a certain amount of time, right? You're not you know, as you said, I like this extra level of content, right?
You're looking at like, who's that? Like HD level, right? I want to impress that person versus just not most of your audience, probably for most audiences. But, you know, along the lines of that is making sure you understand what your goal is going in. Why are you creating this content, what you're trying to do with it? And one of your lessons is have a measurement plan in place before even creating content.