We have a point of view and that's the conversation. So I think being being honest also helps.

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We have a point of view and that's the conversation. So I think being being honest also helps.

Post by nishat@264 »

Daniel Burstein: Absolutely. Yeah. And I mean, it sounds like also knowing that you can't be everything to everyone as much as you have a broad audience and try to be everything, everyone. You can't be everything to everyone. That is what a value proposition and brand decision is at the end of the day, and not even just about identity or anything political really.

But it's also like, hey, but it might be we serve designers, but we sort of these types of designers passed versus we could do everything or everyone, which I think is a mistake that you see some brands and brands try to make right?

Carlos Cantu: Yeah, this is this terms and I've used this cyprus whatsapp resource term about in the past and I feel bad about it that blow call you know big global and local at the same time or brand four months you can do branding and performance on the same time come on that's not real.

Daniel Burstein: Make a choice Make a choice but you're putting brand is that we're going to go.

Carlos Cantu: Marketing marketing that's exactly both. Well actually any strategy is about making choices right at the end there's that this.

Daniel Burstein: Is watered down and kind of wishy washy, right? Yeah.

Carlos Cantu: Yes.

Daniel Burstein: Yeah, right. Well, the first half of the episode, we talk about lessons from things. Carlos In the second half, we talk about lessons from people who's made them with. That's what we get to do as marketers. We get to make things and we get to make them with people and now we get to make them on the air, as Carlos just mentioned.
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