What is Growth Hacking? Quickly understand this marketing strategy

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What is Growth Hacking? Quickly understand this marketing strategy

Post by sanjida708 »

Every now and then, in the business world, we see a word become the focus of the moment! Sometimes, it is a theory. Other times, it is a concept. And there are even those that refer to an entire philosophy of how the market operates. Among so many possibilities, one is certain: there is always something that emerges and that is used by us, entrepreneurs, as a driver of change.

And this time, the term is Growth Hacking! Coined by Sean Ellis, the word means experiment-driven marketing. The main goal of the practice is to find opportunities to experiment, bringing quick results that help the company grow !

“Growth Hacking is experiment-driven marketing!”

It is important to emphasize that, even though it aims at experimentation, Growth Hacking is not done without direction! In fact, your strategy can be fundamental for the entire process to work!

Although there is no fixed step-by-step guide to performing kuwait whatsapp number database Growth Hacking, there is a pattern that can help you implement it in your business! It all starts with a funnel divided into 5 parts – acquisition, activation, retention, revenue and referral. The actions to be tried generally aim to optimize one of these steps.

From there, you need to generate and select ideas! Then, you design the experiments and experiment! Finally, you need to analyze the results, a very important process to measure the success of what was done.

Here at UNID Comunicação, Growth Hacking is a daily practice that results in many advances for the company and for customers! Guided by Digital Marketing strategies, we use this experimentation to test and optimize our results! Want to know how? Sign up and talk to one of our experts!
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