The different typologies of consumers and Internet users

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The different typologies of consumers and Internet users

Post by tonmoypramanik »

Consumer types are changing with the Internet
Marketing is a recent concept but it has already undergone many profound changes. The culprit? The Internet! When it first appeared during the Industrial Revolution, marketing consisted of offering the same product to everyone and promoting it in one and the same way. It was the era of One To Many (mass marketing).

With globalization and increased competition, targeted marketing by segmentation, One To Few, has emerged.

Nowadays, with the Internet, consumers search, analyze, compare and expect ultra-personalized services and products from a company. We are in the era of One To One marketing.

From a pair of sneakers to a flat screen, from building construction to a consulting mission, the consumer, whether individual or professional, has very specific needs and behaviors.

It is therefore necessary to take them all into consideration in order to establish offers in line with your market, your target and your core target.

It is of course impossible to define everyone's needs very precisely, as no one has the human and kenya email list financial resources to do so, but it is possible to build your offer and your web marketing strategy based on the different types of consumers and Internet users.

Know purchasing behaviors to succeed in your web strategy

The different types of Internet users
According to a Digital Life study by TNS Sofres, there are 6 types of Internet users:

Type of Internet user #1: The Aspirer
This type of Internet user is relatively new to the web and has a fairly rare use for it. The Aspirer connects mainly from home and buys very little (if at all) online.

Type of Internet user #2: the Communicator
For him, the Internet is above all a means of expression and sharing. This type of Internet user is a big consumer of social networks and email. He is mainly connected from his smartphone.

Type of Internet users #3: Functional
He has been using the Internet for a very long time and sees it primarily as a tool. He uses it to get information, to buy or for professional reasons. This type of Internet user is not fond of social networks and questions the publication of private data.

Type of Internet user #4: the Knowledge-seeker
Just like the Functionnal, he uses the internet to get information but also to train and learn. This type of internet user also does not like social networks. He uses the internet in particular to make an offline purchasing decision.

Type of Internet user #5: the Influencer
He is young and the Internet is an integral part of his lifestyle. He is perpetually connected, no matter where he is, from his PC, mobile or tablet. This type of Internet user buys very regularly on the Internet, even from his mobile.

Type of Internet user #6: the Networker
For him, the Internet is essential for creating and maintaining relationships, particularly through social networks. This type of Internet user is also a big consumer of emails, forums and instant messaging. He mainly uses the Internet from home.

The different types of consumers
Just like IRL (In Real Life) commerce, there are different purchasing behaviors on the Internet. According to Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg in their book "Call To Action", there are 4 types of consumers whose profile has been strongly impacted in recent years by the Internet.

To be understood in your marketing strategy.

Consumer Type #1: Spontaneous
This type of consumer keeps up to date with new trends and likes to follow fashion trends to reassure themselves. They attach great importance to opinions and reviews and are on the lookout for good deals and promotions. They are very prone to compulsive buying.

Consumer Type #2: The Humanist
This type of consumer also relies on the opinions and reviews they find on the Internet. However, unlike the Spontaneous, they only buy when needed. Finally, they favor companies based on their personal values.

Consumer Type #3: The Methodical
This type of consumer is ultra-rational and attaches importance to the smallest detail. Before making a decision, he will have visited the vast majority (if not all) of your site. He analyzes, compares, weighs the pros and cons before making a decision.

Consumer Type #4: The Competitive
Just like the Methodical, this type of consumer seeks all the information necessary for his decision-making. He wants to be absolutely certain that he has taken the best, that he has made the best deal, and this, as quickly as possible. He is difficult to convince but then proves to be very loyal.

Analyzing your target to communicate effectively on the internet

It is essential to determine the profile of your target/core target and to segment your clientele according to these typologies in order to develop an effective One To One marketing strategy.

The same goes for your Digital Marketing strategy .

For example, in order to attract the “Humanist” type of consumer, you will need to emphasize your labels, compliance with standards and reassure them about your after-sales service and payment security.
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