The steps to create a WhatsApp broadcast

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The steps to create a WhatsApp broadcast

Post by rabhasan018542 »

Share contact phone with customers in the chat room Customers save the contact number given to them This means that customers find it easier to connect with us. And we don't have to worry about sending broadcasts to customers without saving their numbers . 2) Difficult to Monitor Existing Database Records When you do a broadcast, of course you want to know the results, right? How many messages were successfully sent , how many failed , or any numbers you have saved so far, are still active on their numbers on WhatsApp.

The truth is that if we use regular WhatsApp, we won't be able to know all this data. brunei business email list If anything, it has to be done manually. What if you have to blast 500, 700, 1000 numbers at once? You don't want to waste time checking each one, right? That's the disadvantage if we broadcast on existing WhatsApp using a large database. And, that's why many people use the WhatsApp automation system. Every broadcast that is made, there is data for us to look back on and analyze .

are simple, and doing a split test is easy if you can read the data. Want to test a script from a different angle? Want to test the offer? It's best to do testing when you can get data. 3) You cannot customize special messages and personalized names. Apart from not being able to extract broadcast data, messages sent via the WhatsApp broadcast list cannot be customized to include the subscriber's name.
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