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But here you also need to specify

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:24 am
by hasanthouhid0
It is necessary to divide the target audience into segments, create a portrait of the ideal buyer in each, and then figure out which offer is the best for him. M. Sherrington's 5W Method The 5W method is considered one of the simplest methods of target audience segmentation, so it is well suited for beginners in business, although experienced marketers do not despise it either. In addition, it works more effectively than others in cases where the company provides many different services. At the same time, 5W is not used by B2B companies, because they are forced to segment the target audience by types of acquisitions and purchase volumes. Questions in the 5W method The 5W segmentation eu data method requires a marketer to answer five questions: What? / What? — what the company sells to customers, what product or service.

what exactly the client wants to get as a result of the purchase, what value the product has for him. For example, you sell a vacuum cleaner, and he wants to maintain cleanliness without extra effort. You sell a service for installing braces, and he wants a beautiful smile. Who? / Who? - here you need to place information about the clients of the target audience subgroup: age, gender, level of wealth, where they live, etc. The more, the better. There will probably be several subgroups, and you will have to work on each one separately. Why? / Why? - here you should write down the main reason why the consumer is ready to buy a product or use a service.

In other words, what problem does this purchase solve. When? / When? — you need to figure out when exactly the buyer will need the service or when he will have the greatest desire to buy the product. Some products sell equally well throughout the year, while others are seasonal. Coffee is more often bought in the morning, and alcoholic drinks — in the evening, etc. Where? / Where? — these are points of contact, that is, in what places the consumer can buy a product or see an advertisement about it, or where he searches for information: social networks, forums, department stores, beauty salons, metro stations, etc. It is better to write down questions and answers in a table.